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Showing posts from August, 2012

Indian Economy Snaps the Downtrend

GDP growth rate, which is considered as a barometer of economy snapped its 4-quarter downtrend and rose to 5.5% in the first quarter of the current financial year. However this figure is in sharp contrast to the GDP growth rate in the first quarter of the previous financial year, which was around 8 %. Faltering manufacturing sector owing to high interest rates pulled down the growth rate. RBI with its first priority being the inflation-control is hesitating from cutting the policy rates. Though core inflation has been tamed but the headline inflation  continues to haunt the Indian economy. RBI governor had already raised the concern for the poor people who are being tormented by the rising inflationin India . Manufacturing sector growth staggering around .2 % was the main culprit for the poor GDP growth. Deficient monsoon too played the spoil-sport and dragged down the agriculture sector growth rate by around 1% to 2.9% in the year-ago period. One thing is clear; Slowing of the economy

Start a Business of Energy Food Making

   Start a  Business of  Energy Food Making  Product and Applications Health awareness is fast growing and people are taking to such energy supplements to overcome ageing, tiredness, fatigue and general breakdown of the system. Various supplements are available in the market to lower fats increase stamina etc. People are very conscious of Cholesterol level in blood and avoid fatty foods. They are very selective of their diet and there is marked preference for low calorie high protein food supplements. The energy foods available in market are costly and beyond the reach of common man. Children are yet another group for cheap energy foods. The technology for such foods has been developed by CFTRI. Energy food is prepared from easily available ingredients like wheat, gram dal, jiggery, edible ground nut cake, minerals and vitamins. It is a ready to eat food item and does not require extensive cooking. Depending upon individuals tastes some milk or water can be added. It can also be used w

Why gold price is rising? (In simple words)

There is an old Sanskrit maxim from India that says, “ सर्वे गुणाः   काञ्चनमाश्रयन्ति ” - that means all virtues lies in the person possessing gold. This importance of gold has been very well justified in recent years. Since January 2000, gold has given a whopping 489 % of absolute return that means money invested in gold turned almost around 5 times in just 12 year. Gold prices rose steeply since the year 2007 onwards. Gold, once considered as an idle asset suddenly turned into a desirable investment option for investors! Why Gold Rates are increasing? There are many reasons for the soaring of the gold prices but I shall discuss the most common of these. (1)     Demand & Supply :  As per this economic principle, price of a commodity increases when higher demand of that commodity is not counterbalanced by its higher supply. Demand of gold is increasing day by day while gold mine production is declining and there has been no significant success in discovering new mines. so far only

Start a Disposable Apron Making Unit

      (365)Start a Disposable Apron Making Unit Disposable aprons are a great way to protect your clothes from messy jobs without the hassle of having to store and wash them afterwards. After all, if you're going to have to wash everything again, why wear an apron in the first place? Instead, use a disposable apron to keep things clean, and just toss it in the trash when you're done.Made of a lightweight but protective polyethylene plastic, each disposable apron comes individually wrapped and ready to use. Just tie it on, and get to work without fear of getting a mess on yourself. Disposable aprons have numerous applications, and are useful for projects ranging from food preparation to arts and crafts.Disposable aprons are a favorite among food service staff, because they let them handle messy dishes without fear of ruining their uniforms that have to be worn each day. Disposable aprons are also water-resistant, so that if something gets splashed on you while you're we