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Showing posts from May, 2017

Physicists Are Probing The Centre of Our Galaxy to Find The Missing Fifth Force of Nature

"If true, it's revolutionary."   Our current understanding of the Universe states that it's governed by four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetic, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. But there are hints of a fifth force of nature , and if it exists, we'd not only be able to fill the remaining holes in Einstein's general relativity - we'd have to rethink our understanding of how the Universe actually works. And now physicists have figured out how to put this mysterious force to the ultimate test. The four forces of nature are what holds the standard model of physics together, which is what we use to explain and predict the behaviour of particles and matter in our Universe. At the smallest end of the scale are the two nuclear forces - the strong nuclear force is what holds atomic nuclei in place, and the weak nuclear force enables certain atoms to undergo radioactive decay. Gravity and the electromagnetic force are on the larger end o

Here's How We Can Achieve Mass-Produced Quantum Computers

"These emitters are almost perfect." Still waiting patiently for quantum computing to bring about the next revolution in digital processing power? We might now be a little closer, with a discovery that could help us build quantum computers at mass scale. Scientists have refined a technique using diamond defects to store information, adding silicon to make the readouts more accurate and suitable for use in the quantum computers of the future. To understand how the new process works, you need to go back to the basics of the quantum computing vision: small particles kept in a state of superposition, where they can represent both 1, 0, and a combination of the two at the same time. These quantum bits, or qubits, can process calculations on a much grander scale than the bits in today's computer chips, which are stuck representing either 1 or 0 at any one time. Getting particles in a state of superposition long enough for us to actually make use of them has prove

Are You in the 1% of the Population that is Genetically of Higher Frequency?

Do you notice or even feel frustrated because the supplements, medicines, diets, and modalities that seem to work for other people don’t work for you? Do you do what most would consider “all the right things” for your health and spirit and still feel that you are not functioning optimally? Do your energies, moods, and immune system feel like they need a boost even when you take extra time for “self-care?” If you answered “yes” to the previous questions, there is a very good chance that you are part of the 1% of the population that is genetically of higher frequency. People of higher frequency tend to be described as “hypersensitive,” empathic, intuitive, creative, sometimes perfectionistic, and (wonderfully!) complex. Despite finding that other people are drawn to them, higher frequency individuals often feel alone in this world because they comprise so little of the population. However, they continue to move forward with their lives in a unique, heart-centered way. They live

38 Crystals to Increase Your Frequency and Restore Your Energy

Crystals have always been rather appealing to me. There is something special about what they are, what they represent. They are more concentrated than regular rocks, they have more crystalline geometric patterns in their atomic structure than the cells in the human body do (sure, it may not be as fluid and moving, but that’s yin and yang for you) On my journey, I came across an old dusty book about crystals with a little piece of paper slipped inside. It was old and tattery, and hardly readable. But on this paper was a list of 38 crystals that you could find relatively easily that had unique properties… What do I mean by properties? Crystals operate much like a magnet, but think about it in relationship to energy beyond the 3rd dimension. If you’re looking at it in 3D, obviously it’s pretty much just a rock. If you look at it through a higher dimensional lens however… you start seeing something unique. You see waves, pushing and pulling on the energy all around it. Some cry