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Showing posts from 2018

For The First Time Ever, Astronomers Detected Planets Outside Our Galaxy in 2018

In an incredible world first, astrophysicists detected multiple planets in another galaxy earlier this year, ranging from masses as small as the Moon to ones as great as Jupiter. Given how difficult it is to find exoplanets even within our Milky Way galaxy, this is  no mean feat. Researchers at the University of Oklahoma achieved this in February thanks to clever use of  gravitational microlensing . The technique, first predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity, has been  used to find exoplanets  within Milky Way, and it's the only known way of finding the smallest and most distant planets, thousands of light-years from Earth. As a planet orbits a star, the gravitational field of the system can bend the light of a distant star behind it. We know what this looks like when it's just two stars, so when a planet enters the mix, it creates a further disturbance in the light that reaches us - a recognisable signature for the planet. So far,  53 exopl

Top 10 Active Volcanoes in the World

Volcanoes are regarded as a symbol of nature’s fury – they are not just majestic in appearance, they are equally dangerous. One of the incidents that demonstrated the might of volcanoes is the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD. It is still held as one of the most catastrophic and damaging eruptions to date. The eruption caused the destruction of not only the whole city of Pompeii and Hernaculum, but also led to a large loss of live. There are almost 1500 active volcanoes on Earth, and this is includes only the ones that are on the surface of the Earth. There are many more underwater as well, especially around the Pacific Ring of Fire. Out of these, almost 100 are known worldwide. Want to know which are the top 10 active volcanoes in the world? Here they are! Caution: Lava ahead! Mauna Loa, Hawaii The Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii is not only the most active, but also the biggest volcano on Earth. It is a

Dark matter might be Forming ordinary cold 'Stars' obtainable inside the Universe

Deep inside the diffuse haze of fuel and dirt that surround the smallest galaxies, darkish count may be clumping into bloodless droplets referred to as 'Bose stars'. Of route , we do not even recognize what the mysterious darkish matter is, not to mention have evidence of invisible 'stars'. but if modern assumptions pan out, a new mathematical version suggests darkish remember might have some atypical interactions . The version became proposed by means of a group of Russian physicists who considered the manner hypothetical particles of darkish remember would possibly aggregate inside the smallest of galactic halos. "In our paintings , we simulated the movement of a quantum gasoline of light , gravitationally interacting dark count particles ," says physicist Dmitry Levkovfrom the Institute for Nuclear studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. round eighty percent of the mass inside the Universe