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Showing posts from March, 2020

Zoos around the world are on loan from China.

The panda at your local zoo may look like it's at home in its cozy sanctuary. But unless you live in China, the pandas that you're seeing are just visiting. That's because every one of the gentle giants in zoos around the world are on loan from China. Yes, they're technically the property of the government of China, according to  Vox . But any panda can be taken away China's making longer panda loans now than it used to — the loan to Belgium is 15 years long — and tends to extend the loans before they expire. But just as politics inflect when China gives out pandas, it's also a factor in when they take them away. Buckingham and her coauthors see the tale of Tai Shan as a cautionary tale to governments with loaned pandas: if your guests become too popular with the public, you might find yourself pressured to agree to Chinese demands. After all, Buckingham points out, pandas "speak to the public" in a way most diplomatic concerns don't.

China develops nanomaterial to combat coronavirus

A team of Chinese scientists has reportedly developed a novel way to combat the novel coronavirus which has killed over 32,000 people globally. According to Global Times, the new weapon is not a drug or a compound but some nanomaterial. Nanomaterials are used in a variety of manufacturing processes, products and healthcare including paints, filters, insulation and lubricant additives. In healthcare, Nanozymes are nanomaterials with enzyme-like characteristics. According to the US NIH, scientists have not unanimously settled on a precise definition of nanomaterials, but agree that they are partially characterized by their tiny size, measured in nanometers. “Nanotechnology can be used to design pharmaceuticals that can target specific organs or cells in the body such as cancer cells, and enhance the effectiveness of therapy,” said NIH. However, while engineered nanomaterials provide great benefits, “we know very little about the potential effects on human health and the environment. Even

What is the most expensive object on Earth?

True or false? A new nuclear power station in the south-west of the UK will be the most expensive object on Earth. That's the claim about the proposed plant at Hinkley Point in Somerset - but has anything else ever cost so much to build? "Hinkley is set to be the most expensive object on Earth… best guesses say Hinkley could pass £24bn ($35bn)," said the environmental charity Greenpeace last month as it launched a petition against the project. This figure includes an estimate for paying interest on borrowed money, but the financing arrangements for Hinkley C are so opaque that it is impossible to calculate exactly what the final cost will be. Even if you stick with the expense of construction alone, though, the price is still high - the main contractor, EDF, puts it at £18bn ($26bn). For that sum you could build a small forest of Burj Khalifas - the world's tallest building, in Dubai, cost a piffling £1bn ($1.5bn). You could also knock up more than 70 miles of particl

Hypersonic Weapon Basics

Overview Hypersonic weapons incorporate the speed of a ballistic missile with the maneuvering capabilities of a cruise missile. Hypersonic weapons refer to weapons that travel faster than Mach 5 (~3,800mph) and have the capability to maneuver during the entire flight.  As a pentagon report stated, “While the designed speed of the hypersonic missile is faster than that of sound, its advantage lies in its enhanced maneuverability and smooth flight path, which is much harder to track than that of traditional missiles.” Hypersonic weapons are specifically designed for increased survivability against modern ballistic missile defense systems. These missiles are capable of delivering conventional or nuclear payloads at ultra-high velocities over long ranges. Hypersonic missiles are delivered in two ways: (1) they can be fired from the last stages of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) or Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBM) and skip along the top of the atmosphere using special

How Indian Engineers Helped Stephen Hawking 'talk'

Arun Mehta  is an Indian software developer and a disability activist. At the request of Stephen Hawking, he, along with Vickram Crishna, developed a free and open source software named eLocutor, to allow severely disabled person to write and speak. One of science’s biggest celebrities since Albert Einstein, renown cosmologist Stephen Hawking passed away at the age of 76 in the early hours of Wednesday. The author of the best-selling book A Brief History of Time was born on January 9, 1942 (the 300th death anniversary of Galileo) and died on Wednesday (the 139th birthday of Einstein). In India, fans and well-wishers of the pioneering physicist took to social media to pay their heartfelt tributes to one of the greatest minds of our time. However, few of them know that it was a technology developed by Indian engineers that helped Professor Hawking (who lost his voice in 1985 after a tracheotomy) talk again. Mehta and Crishna In January 2001, Stephen Hawking arrived in India for the first

Active Denial System

The  Active Denial System  ( ADS ) is a  non-lethal ,  directed-energy weapon  developed by the  U.S. military ,  designed for area denial, perimeter security and crowd control.  Informally, the weapon is also called the  heat ray  since it works by heating the surface of targets, such as the skin of targeted human subjects.  On August 20, 2010, the  Los Angeles Sheriff's Department  announced its intent to use this technology on prisoners in the  Pitchess Detention Center  in  Los Angeles , stating its intent to use it in "operational evaluation" in situations such as breaking up prisoner fights.  As of 2014, the ADS was only a vehicle-mounted weapon, though U.S. Marines and police were both working on portable versions.  ADS was developed under the sponsorship of the  Department of Defense  Non-Lethal Weapons Program with the Air Force Research Laboratory as the lead agency.  There are reports that Russia  and China are developing their own versions of the Active Denial

1 reason to not panic (Covid-19)

They’re heavier than other viruses. And, finally, the good news. While Covid-19 spreads through the air on respiratory droplets, there is one fact limiting how far the virus can travel: its weight. Coronaviruses are physically larger and heavier than other known respiratory viruses. So while Covid-19 infects hosts via mucus droplets, its infectious range is lower relative to other viruses because its mass limits how far it can travel before succumbing to gravity.  Case in point, coronaviruses can only travel about one to two meters, less than seven feet, before they start falling to the ground. Compare that to much more infectious viruses like measles or chickenpox, both of which are much lighter and able to remain airborne on tiny dust particles.

Successful Stock Market Investment Stories

Warren buffet has rightly said that ‘if you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.’ This quote emphasizes on investments and making more money out of money already earned. Most people resort to stock market for investing their hard-earned money. But, it is never easy to make money by investing or trading in stock markets. The stock markets are highly volatile and your investments are exposed to high risks. Trust me, many a people have lost lacs and crores in this market. Again, the story is not the same for all. Many have accumulated good wealth. #5 – Ramesh Damani – Well known investor in India Ramesh Dhamani is well-known for his investments in listed and unlisted companies. He is recognized for picking high quality stocks and retaining them for long time. He follows the model of Warren Buffet for investing that favors companies with strong management credentials and processes.  He did a lot of right things in his career that fetched him millions

NFL’s Highest-Paid Players

10. Matt Ryan GETTY IMAGES Total earnings : $26.5 million Salary/bonuses : $21.5 million Endorsements : $5 million Ryan was the first NFL player to get paid an average of $30 million per season with the five-year, $150 million deal he signed in 2018. The 2016 NFL MVP restructured his contract in 2019 to clear salary-cap space for the Falcons and received nearly $9 million of his base salary upfront. Ryan counts Nike, Southern Co., Gatorade, IBM and Mercedes among his ten endorsement partners. Ryan’s earnings don’t include the $23.25 million portion of his 2018 signing bonus deferred to April 2019; we counted those earnings last year. 9. Brandin Cooks GETTY IMAGES Total earnings : $28 million Salary/bonuses : $27.5 million Endorsements : $500,000 After being traded from the New England Patriots to the Los Angeles Rams in early 2018, Cooks signed a five-year, $81 million contract. In March, the Rams exercised a $17 million option bonus under the pact; it extended the deal through 2023. C

Will you get a stimulus checks?

Most taxpayers will get a check from the $2tn economic package, the largest in US history The US has agreed on a $2tn stimulus package, the largest economic stimulus in US history, in response to the economic impacts of Covid-19. While corporations will be the biggest recipients of the bailout, some of that money will be paid directly to Americans hit by the pandemic. Most taxpayers will get a check in the mail, while those directly impacted by the economic effects of Covid-19 are slated to receive robust government support. Here’s what we know so far about how the new stimulus package will directly affect Americans in the coming weeks: Who’s eligible for a check from the government? Congress will spend about $250bn for checks up to $1,200 per person that will go directly to taxpayers. To be eligible for the full amount, a person’s most recently filed tax return must show that they made $75,000 or under. For couples, who can receive a maximum of $2,400, the cutoff is $150,000. If a per