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Showing posts from October, 2021

Prabhu’s Special Theory of SpaceTime and Energy

Abstract Everything humans actually experience as space time in our host planet is actually created by center of our own milky way galaxy or a supermassive blackhole which exist at the center of our galaxy The time exist in the form of space and momentum created by blackhole. Detail Every particle in space has a certain wavelength and has its own frequency as we already know time varies with gravity produced by massive objects exist in space for example celestial bodys like jupiter produce massive gravity at this point if a human stands in surface of jupiter eventually he will experience a greater timelapse when compared to earth one stands. Earths equator moves at the speed of 460 meters per second Due to its constant speed we don't experience its spin. On the other end our milky way galaxy moves at the speed of 210 km per second pointing from its center . It mean if one sits idle somewhere in earth every second he travels 460 meter in space from the point of earth and we are trav