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Showing posts from June, 2014

Water-Pepper,Soap oil experiment

The pepper and water science trick is one of the easiest magic tricks you can perform. Here's how to do the trick and an explanation of how it works. Materials for the Pepper & Water Trick black pepper water dishwashing liquid plate or bowl Performing the Pepper & Water Trick Pour water into a plate or bowl. Shake some pepper onto the water. If you dip your finger into the pepper and water, nothing much happens.If you put a drop of dishwashing liquid on your finger and then dip it into the pepper and water the pepper will rush to the outer edges of the dish. If you are doing this as a 'trick' then you might have one finger that is clean and another finger that you dipped in detergent before performing the trick. How the Pepper & Water Trick Works When you add detergent to water the surface tension of the water is lowered. Water normally bulges up a bit, like what you see when you look at a water drop. When the surface tension is lowered, the water wants to sprea

Start a Electric vehicle Charging Station

Start a Electric vehicle Charging Station "Hundreds of charging stations have been built, thousands to go" An  electric vehicle charging station , also called  EV charging station ,  electr ic recharging point ,  charging point , charge point  and  EVSE  (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment), is an element in an infrastructure that supplies  electric energy  for the recharging of  plug-in electric vehicles , including all electric cars neighborhood electric  vehicle and  plug-in hybrids. Electric vehicles hitting the U.S. market.  The all-electric Nissan Leaf completely sold out before the car even arrived in U.S. showrooms, according to Agence France-Presse. With that kind of demand, the charging stations to get those cars running are also going to be in high demand. "Our mission is to insure that people don't hesitate to buy electric because they're worried about fueling," says Richard Lowenthal, CEO of Coulomb Technologies, a Campbell (Calif.) company that

Working Secret codes for android(2014)

List of secret codes in Android Here is the list of secret codes in android phones which makes you to do hidden tricks in your android phone & make your life simple. S.No. Secret Codes Functions 1 *#06#                                       To check IMEI of your device, enter this code 2 *#*#4636#*#* To get information about battery,wifi, usage statistics and device. 3 *#*#1111#*#* Connectivity test for wifi,bt,gps,fm 4 *#*#8255#*#* This code can be used to launch GTalk Service Monitor 5 *#*#1234#*#*  PDA & Phone

Start a 3- D Printing Shop

3- D Printing Shop "Fabricating items in low-cost printers" 3D printing  or  additive manufacturing  (AM) is any of various processes of making a three- dimensional  object from a 3D model  or other electronic data source primarily through  additive processes  in which successive layers of material are laid down under computer control.  A 3D printer is a type of industrial robot. Need a new lens cap? Print it up. That's the way of the future. Instead of fabricating in a factory and shipping the item wherever it's needed, 3D printers are expected to produce everything from architect models to sinks to spare camera parts. "It's already happening at service bureaus," says Jackie Fenn, an analyst at Gartner. "It hasn't happened at a physical shop like Kinko's, but I think it's very possible." History Early AM equipment and materials were developed in the 1980s. They were expensive and most required special handling. The names  3D printi

Water-Glass Experiment

Air Pressure Experiment This is one of the best examples of air pressure experiments with water. Take a glass and fill one-third of it with water.  Place a cardboard over the mouth of the glass.  The cardboard should be bit bigger than the mouth.   Now put some pressure on the cardboard from the left hand and invert the glass with the right hand.   Slowly remove the hand and see what happens.   The water does fall from the glass, retaining the cardboard and the water in the same place as before.   This takes place because the air pressure outside,  ie.  14.7 psi,  is more heavier than the combining weight of the water and air inside the glass.

Wearable Technologies

In the recent few years, we have seen a number of developments in this category. Smart watches in this regard were the earliest to be seen. Experts and analysts are still predicting that the wearable technology will prevail in the coming years. This year’s Consumers’ Electronics Show (CES 2014) displayed a range of innovations in the segment of wearable technologies. The most notable among these was Google Glass   might become a bit of a laughing stock when it comes to the consumer world; the computing giant is trying to make the wearable tech more attractive to the business world. The search engine giant has recently announced it is working on a host of new applications that are specifically designed for the business world. Earlier this week.

Best ways to beat the heat and stay hydrated

D ehydration is the number one cause of day time fatigue, but how do you know when you’re dehydrated? By the time you feel thirsty, you’ve already lost between 1-2% of your body’s total water content! Signs and symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, dry eyes, muscle cramping, constipation, fatigue, and headaches, to name just a few. However, there are steps you can take to make sure you don’t become dehydrated. Coconut Water For a twist on ordinary tap or bottled water give coconut water a try.  Coconut water is low in calories, fat-free, cholesterol-free and a great source of vitamins and minerals – especially potassium, which helps replenish all those electrolytes you lose when you sweat. Taste-wise, coconut water is a slightly nutty-sweet drink that’s refreshing served over ice and it’s delicious with a splash of fruit juice. Seltzer When it’s baking hot outside you can’t beat  the bubbly coolness of seltzer, which  has  zero calories  and sodium, and comes in a v

Why does Fire/flame burn upwards

Due to gravity Yes gravity plays a major role for burning fire upward. When the candle is burnt, the fire (i.e. hot air) which has more gravity than the cool air, obviously more gravity substance remains downwards & less gravity fire will be at top, so it looks like fire is burning upwards..

Why does Fire/flame burn upwards

Due to gravity Yes gravity plays a major role for burning fire upward. When the candle is burnt, the fire (i.e. hot air) which has more gravity than the cool air obviously more gravity substance remains downwards & less gravity fire will be at top, so it looks like fire is burning upwards..

Start a Business of Space Hotel

Start a Business of Space Hotel "Space tourism:   Only for the very, very rich" A new space race is on, and this time it's to see who can build the galaxy's best bed-and-breakfast. A Barcelona-based firm called Galactic Suite Limited claims it will be the first to build a space hotel, opening its $3 billion Galactic Suite to the (very rich) public in 2012. "The punchline is that we are now seeing the birth of the Googles and Apples of the space business," says Peter H. Diamandis, a pioneer in the commercial space industry. "There are a number of companies working on space hotels." At the forefront is Bigelow Aerospace, which launched two prototypes of space hotels and currently plans a commercial space complex by 2014. Called Sundancer, the hotel is expected to have space for up to six people on a short-term basis. A Russian company called Orbital Technologies is also racing to have the first commercial space station. A vision of the station is in

Start a Vertical Farming Business

Start a  Vertical Farming Business                     "Local food in growing cities" Vertical farming  is cultivating plant or animal life within a skyscraper  greenhouse  or on vertically inclined surfaces. The modern idea of vertical farming uses techniques similar to glass houses, where natural sunlight can be augmented with artificial lighting. Buzz words and pretty drawings  Single-story, high-tech greenhouses save significant amounts of water and increase productivity. So why not stack them up and makes cities self-sufficient? The idea for vertical farms came from an infectious disease ecologist, Dickson Despommier, who turned his knowledge of parasites into a way of looking at cities. "Instead of the city behaving like a parasite, it should be a symbiant," Despommier says. "The future city has to take a big lesson from nature and start behaving like an ecosystem." By that, he means zero-waste cities: Even the idea of waste is anathema to a working