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Showing posts from October, 2014

3 Amazing Mind Tricks That Will Help You Remember Small Details

Here are three tricks to remember information, especially at seminars and conferences It’s all in your head. No, really—your capacity to remember the name of a new investment company, which products are going to present the fiercest competition for your startup, and how to find that bistro downtown where you are meeting a new employee is part of the untapped potential in your brain. Let’s dispense with the old “non-truism” that we have only tapped 10% of the capacity in our brains . Cognitive scientists doubt that’s true . What is true, though, is this. You can teach yourself to remember details about your day and recall that information when you need it most. Like, say, when you are about to present the case for why someone should invest in your company or that the new employee in your company is named Greg. I’ve used these tricks before, especially during business conferences when I can’t jot down a reminder or record a memo on my phone. 1. Say the Information Out Loud

To Be Successful, Do Only What Matters

Everyone is obsessed with the habits of the wealthy these days. The great irony is, if successful people concerned themselves with that sort of nonsense they never would have made it big in the first place. Truth is, none of that stuff matters. It’s all just a waste of time and focus.    If you want to be successful, you have to learn what really makes a difference. What really matters. You need to do that and keep the distractions – everything that doesn’t matter – to a minimum. Now I’ll tell you what matters but I’ve got to warn you: it’s really simple. But then, all great lessons in life are simple. What matters is what you do. How do you figure out what to do? Strangely enough, you figure out what to do by doing. By … Getting out into the world, getting a job, experiencing and learning. Figuring out how business works. Learning what you like to do and what you’re good at – your strengths to leverage and weaknesses to overcome. Gaining confidence from your succ

How To Cleanse Your Body Of Toxins In 3 Weeks. You Only Need 2 Things!

Back when my parents were kids, they didn't have the information that we do today. Drink coca cola, smoke cigarettes, cook with lard; it was all perfectly safe. It would be decades before we really understood any of the negative effects of eating bad things and having bad habits. But today more than ever, people are fixated on doing right by their bodies; taking care to eat foods that empower each individual organ, sometimes each tissue, to work at its most efficient. One of those organs we need to care for are our intestines. In 70 years, your intestines pass 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of fluid. Talk about a hard working organ! Every once in a while, it's good to do a cleanse and make sure that your colon is clean and maintains a healthy flora of bacteria. This is an easy, two-ingredient recipe, that will help give you a good cleansing. You will need: Linseed flour Kefir What you'll want to do is consume this instead of breakfast each mor

5 Things To Check Before Investing In Mutual Funds

It's never an easy task to invest in stock markets, either directly or through mutual funds. You have to pick the right fund-house, scheme and the timing right to get the desired returns. Here are 5 important things to check before you invest in the best mutual funds in India. 1. Your age and ability to take risk The most important thing while investing in a mutual fund India is to check your age and ability to take risk. If you are in the 30s, you might want to take a risk by investing in equity mutual funds. On the other hand if you are in the 50s, you might want to invest in debt oriented mutual funds, which can offer almost certain fixed returns without your capital being eroded. 2.Track record for best performing mutual fund Take a look at the track record of the fund and check how the fund has performed over 5 to 19 years period. If the fund has not performed well in the past, then you might want to avoid the scheme altogether. 3.Asset allocation Some schemes invest in debt,

How To Stay Young 10 Tips From A Shaolin Monk

” People always say health is the most important thing but how many people live by this belief? We need to start today. In order to help us stay on the path to health I have translated an extract from one of the Shaolin Classics. Written by a monk who was a great martial artist and scholar, here he gives advice to lay people as to how to stay young and healthy. ” Ten Tips From A Shaolin Monk On How To Stay Young 1) Don’t think too much. Thinking takes energy. Thinking can make you look old. 2) Don’t talk too much. Most people either talk or do. Better to do. 3) When you work, work for 40 minutes then stop for 10 minutes. When you look at something all the time, it can damage your eyes and also your internal organs and peace. 4) When you are happy, you need to control your happiness, if you lose control then you damage your lung energy. 5) Don’t worry too much or get angry because this damages your liver and your intestines. 6) When you eat food don’t eat too much, a

Start a Business of Coconut Milk Beverage

Start a Business of  Coconut Milk Beverage What is Coconut Milk ? Coconut milk  is the liquid that comes from the grated meat of a brown  coconut . I t should not be confused with  Coconut water . The colour and rich taste of coconut milk can be attributed to the high  oil  content. Most of the fat is  saturated fat . Coconut milk is a very popular food ingredient used in  Southeast Asia . Production  Traditionally coconut milk is acquired through grating the coconut flesh, and then mix it with small amount of water to dissolve the coconut's whitish fatty content. The grating process could be done in traditional manual way or using grating machine. Several grades of coconut milk exist: from  thick  at 20-22% fat to  thin  at 5-7% fat level. Thick milk can be prepared by directly squeezing grated coconut meat through cheesecloth. The squeezed coconut meat is then soaked in warm water and squeezed a second or third time for  thin  coconut milk. Thick milk is mainly used to make  dess

Start a Business of Guar Gam Manufacturing

Start a Business of Guar Gam Manufacturing What is Guar Gum? Guar gum , also called  guaran , is a galactomannan. It is primarily the groundendosperm of guar beans. The guar seeds are dehusked, milled and screened to obtain the guar gum.It is typically produced as a free-flowing, off-white powder.It  can be described as a natural food thickener, similar to   locust bean gum , cornstarch   or   tapioca   flour. It is said to have significantly more thickening ability than cornstarch, at a fraction of the cost. This has made it a popular additive in products such as puddings and ice creams. Until recently, it was also an ingredient in non-prescription diet pills designed to create a sense of fullness. Production and Trade The guar bean is principally grown in India, Pakistan, US, China, Australia and Africa. India produces 2.5 - 3.5 million tons of guar annually, making it the largest producer with about 80% of world production. In India, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana are the main produ