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Showing posts from August, 2019

What is the most expensive object on Earth?

A new nuclear power station in the south-west of the UK will be the most expensive object on Earth. That's the claim about the proposed plant at Hinkley Point in Somerset - but has anything else ever cost so much to build? "Hinkley is set to be the most expensive object on Earth… best guesses say Hinkley could pass £24bn ($35bn)," said the environmental charity Greenpeace last month as it launched a petition against the project. This figure includes an estimate for paying interest on borrowed money, but the financing arrangements for Hinkley C are so opaque that it is impossible to calculate exactly what the final cost will be. Even if you stick with the expense of construction alone, though, the price is still high - the main contractor, EDF, puts it at £18bn ($26bn). For that sum you could build a small forest of Burj Khalifas - the world's tallest building, in Dubai, cost a piffling £1bn ($1.5bn). You could also knock up more than 70 miles of particle accelerator.

7 skills for a successful management career

Many graduates harbour management aspirations. To impress business employers and climb the career ladder, you'll need to brush up on the following management skills Interpersonal skills Management jobs are all about people and being able to build successful relationships is integral. If you want to lead a team you'll first need to earn the respect of your colleagues and to do this you need to know how to effectively deal with other people. Setting time aside to get to know your team members on both a personal and professional level, perhaps through social activities or team-building training, while still maintaining professional boundaries, will go a long way to earning their respect. You need to demonstrate your managerial qualities and authority while maintaining the ability to play your part as a member of a team. Communication and motivation Effective leaders must master all forms of communication including written, verbal and listening skills. As a team manager you're

Essential Math Skills for Engineers:

Engineers are often math enthusiasts who got bored with the abstract. Even though number crunching is significant to engineers’ work, math is no more than a convenient means to arrive at a physical end. The type of math an engineer uses will depend on the type of engineer he is and the type of project in which he's involved. Basic Arithmetic All math is based on the idea that 1 plus 1 equals 2, and 1 minus 1 equals 0. Multiplication and division –2 times 2 and 4 divided by 2 – are variations used to avoid multiple iterations of either subtraction or addition. One example of an engineer's use of basic arithmetic is the civil engineer's calculations for describing water flow across an open basin. The flow is reckoned in cubic feet per second, or Q, where Q equals the runoff coefficient times the intensity of the rain for a specified period, times the area of the basin. If the runoff coefficient is 2, the intensity, in inches of rain, is 4 and the basin – a specified area of l

Common Engine Problems and their Solutions

Three fundamental things can happen: a bad  fuel  mix, lack of  compression  or lack of  spark . Beyond that, thousands of minor things can create problems, but these are the "big three." Based on the simple engine we have been discussing, here is a quick rundown on how these problems affect your engine: Bad fuel mix   - A bad fuel mix can occur in several ways: ·  You are out of  gas , so the engine is getting air but no fuel. ·  The air intake might be clogged, so there is fuel but not enough air. ·  The fuel system might be supplying too much or too little fuel to the mix, meaning that combustion does not occur properly. ·  There might be an impurity in the fuel (like water in your gas tank) that makes the fuel not burn. Lack of compression   - If the charge of air and fuel cannot be compressed properly, the combustion process will not work like it should. Lack of compression might occur for these reasons: ·  Your piston rings are worn (allowing air/fuel to leak past the p

Jackhammers (pneumatic drills)

Twenty thousand years ago, if you'd needed to dig a hole in rough ground, chances are you would have found yourself swinging a sharpened deer antler over your head. Modern pickaxes are based on pretty much the same idea. The long wooden handle and metal blade act like levers to magnify the force you generate with your back muscles and arms. It's simple technology, but it's very effective. Today, if you want to dig a hole in a hurry and there's a thick lump of concrete or asphalt in your way, you're most likely to use a  jackhammer , also known as a pneumatic (air-powered) drill, rock drill, or pavement breaker. A strong and skilled road worker can swing a pickaxe 10 times a minute or more, but a jackhammer can pound the ground 150 times faster—that's 1500 times a minute! Pretty amazing, but how exactly does it work? The first time you saw someone digging a hole in the road with a tool like this, you probably thought the equipment was electric or powered by a die


A turbocharger or turbo is a forced induction device used to allow more power to be produced for an engine of a given size. A turbocharged engine can be more powerful and efficient than a naturally aspirated engine because the turbine forces more intake air, proportionately more fuel, into the combustion chamber than if atmospheric pressure alone is used. Turbo are commonly used on truck, car, train, and construction equipment engines. Turbo are popularly used with Otto cycle and Diesel cycle internal combustion engines. There are two ways of increasing the power of an engine. One of them would be to make the fuel-air mixture richer by adding more fuel. This will increase the power but at the cost of fuel efficiency and increase in pollution levels… prohibitive! The other would be to somehow increase the volume of air entering into the cylinder and increasing the fuel intake proportionately, increasing power and fuel efficiency without hurting the environment or efficiency. This is exa