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People have always been curious, not only about the future of humanity but also the fate of planet Earth and the universe itself. However these days, the threat that climate change poses makes us think about our planet's future even more often. Although scientists cannot answer for certain what will happen thousands or million years into the future, they try to map the future with information and technology that is available today. Telescopes allow us to study our surroundings, to see the cosmos and understand the laws of physics that gave way to the development of multicellular lifeforms. Telescopes are also time machines. Through them, we can look back through the history of our universe and see some of the very first celestial objects that were birthed from the Big Bang. But telescopes allow us to see far more than our past. With them, we see our future. We can determine the rate at which the universe is expanding, see stars be born and die in equal proportions, detect changes i

Team Work - Meaning and Tips for better Team Work

A single brain is not always capable of making key decisions on its own. To come up with an efficient solution, an individual requires the help and advice of others. A team is established when individuals get together on a common platform with the common goal of completing a task. To guarantee optimum compatibility, team members should ideally come from similar backgrounds and have a single aim. To provide their best, the team members must complement each other and function as a single unit in tight cooperation. "There is no I in Team Work," as the saying goes, and each member must put the needs of his team first. Personal interests must take a second seat. Any team's performance is directly proportionate to the relationship between its members and their combined efforts. What is the definition of teamwork? Teamwork is defined as the sum of each team member's efforts toward the fulfilment of the team's goal. In other words, any team's backbone is its ability t

A Spacecraft Has 'Touched' The Sun For The First Time in History

  A human-built spacecraft has swooped in and made contact with the Sun, marking a historic milestone. NASA's Parker Solar Probe passed into and through the solar corona, the Sun's upper atmosphere, on April 28, 2021. Not only did it survive – showing the effectiveness of Parker's high-tech heat shielding – but it also took in situ measurements, providing us with a trove of never-before-seen data on our Solar System's core. "The Parker Solar Probe 'touching the Sun' is a watershed moment for solar science and a really extraordinary achievement," said astrophysicist Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA Headquarters' Science Mission Directorate. "Not only does this achievement provide us a better understanding of our Sun's evolution and its effects on our Solar System, but everything we learn about our own star tells us more about stars throughout the Universe." The Parker Solar Probe was launched in 2018 with the primary

Life Found Surprisingly Abundant in the Darkness Under an Antarctic Ice Shelf

  There is nothing but darkness deep beneath the ice of Antarctica's Ekström Ice Shelf. According to a new article by academics from the UK and Germany, full darkness and a functioning ecosystem have persisted for thousands of years. "This discovery of so much life flourishing in such harsh conditions is a complete surprise and serves as a reminder of how rare and precious Antarctic marine life is," says lead author and British Antarctic Survey marine biologist David Barnes. "It's incredible that we found evidence of so many different animal species, the majority of which feed on microalgae (phytoplankton), despite the fact that no plants or algae can survive in this environment. So, how do these animals survive and thrive in this environment?" Back in 2018, the researchers used hot water to drill two boreholes on the comparatively modest Ekström Ice Shelf in East Antarctica. The first hole stretched down 192 metres (630 feet) of ice until it reached 58 metr

MANAGEMENT FUNCTION: An Introduction To Management Functions

Management in some form or another is an essential part of living and is required whenever human efforts are required to achieve desired goals. When it comes to running a business or a household, the same principles of management apply. A set of principles relating to the functions of planning, organising, directing and controlling and the applications of these principles in harnessing physical, financial, human, and informational resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organisational goals constitutes management.." With so many of us now working from home, the new work-from-home routine has presented a number of challenges for management. Coordinating with employees, keeping track of their progress via email, and working together digitally takes a lot of effort and time. BUY NOW  AMAZON LINK - Virtual meet-ups are now the norm in the workplace, and they're becoming more common. Everyone is adapting to this new way of working, eve