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MANAGEMENT FUNCTION: An Introduction To Management Functions

Management in some form or another is an essential part of living and is required whenever human efforts are required to achieve desired goals. When it comes to running a business or a household, the same principles of management apply.

A set of principles relating to the functions of planning, organising, directing and controlling and the applications of these principles in harnessing physical, financial, human, and informational resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organisational goals constitutes management.."

With so many of us now working from home, the new work-from-home routine has presented a number of challenges for management. Coordinating with employees, keeping track of their progress via email, and working together digitally takes a lot of effort and time.



Virtual meet-ups are now the norm in the workplace, and they're becoming more common. Everyone is adapting to this new way of working, even though it has been difficult. Ultimately, we must work tirelessly to achieve our personal and professional objectives.

Whether at home or at work, every organisation aims to achieve short- and long-term objectives. However, how do you ensure that the roles and responsibilities, deliverables, and deadlines are clearly defined and understood?

Fayol's management theory comes into play in this situation. Planning, organising, staffing, directing, and controlling are all included in the theory's definition of management's five main responsibilities. In order for an organisation to be successful, each of these functions is critical. It was after Luther Gulick took over as Fayol's successor that Gulick defined the seven POSDCORB functions of management—planning and organising; staffing; managing; directing; coordinating; budgeting; and reporting.

Experts have criticised Gulick's seven management functions as an oversimplification of the process. Even today, Fayol's management functions are more widely accepted.

To achieve organisational objectives, a manager must be proficient in each of these five functions. In order to better understand how management functions can improve the daily operations of an organisation, we'll take a closer look at them. As part of our discussion, we'll also look at how they can assist you in becoming a better manager.


Management is the ability to lead, direct, and control an organization's operations and people without imposing one's own authority. Managers must work with their teams to achieve larger goals in a world where a more informal working structure is becoming increasingly popular. To get your feet wet as a manager, it's a good idea to familiarise yourself with the functions of management first.

Management functions keep you up to date on what you need to do and how you need to do it so that you can direct your employees accordingly. Learn from management experts like Fayol and Gulick about management roles and responsibilities so you can succeed as a manager.

The planning phase of your managerial process is at hand. In other words, you'll first assess your objectives, define your purpose, and visualise what needs to be accomplished. As a result, one must be able to analyse historical data and forecast future trends. If you are able to get to your final destination without exceeding your budget or missing your deadlines, then the function has been a success.




Setting the pace for the next steps in the management process is a critical function, and planning is an important part of this. Organizational goals can only be achieved with a well-defined plan for the future. The methods and strategies that you'll use to achieve your goal will have to be evaluated in this step.

In order to avoid mistakes, it may be necessary to look back at how things were done in the past. You need to take into account both internal and external factors, such as people, time, and cost, in order to come up with a sound planning strategy.


Establishing a system of authority or hierarchy within your organisational structure is what you do here. Before assigning tasks to your employees, make sure you know what they need to do to achieve your goals. Today's business world is more dynamic and flexible than in the past, where a manager made all the decisions. Everyone in the organisation, regardless of position, bears responsibility and accountability.

So, create an organisational structure that is consistent with your workplace and assign tasks based on your team's abilities and skills. You must ensure that everyone is on the same page and assign tasks as you see fit.


As a part of management, this is an essential duty. Each team member's knowledge, skills, and abilities must be taken into consideration when assigning tasks. Depending on the nature of the work, you may need to bring in new employees with specific technical expertise. The success of this step is dependent on an accurate assessment of your employees' incentive, training, and development, as well as compensation needs.

Employee competence and efficiency can be assessed by an effective manager. This is to make certain that the tasks they are given are in line with their abilities. The best way to get to know your employees and understand their strengths and weaknesses is to take a compassionate approach.


As a director, you are responsible for overseeing the progress of your team members. Keeping an open line of communication and receiving regular updates is critical in this step. The best way to do this is to give and receive constructive feedback to address any issues and improve your performance. There are times when you need to step in and lead your team through a difficult situation.

Harappa Education's Managing Teamwork course will teach you Max Landsberg's Skill-Will Matrix. It's a quick and easy way to assign tasks based on each member's abilities and motivation.

Allowing each team member enough freedom will help them maintain their motivation and productivity without constant supervision from their manager. Keep your manager and other stakeholders up to date with progress reports in addition to keeping an eye on your own team. To meet your deadlines, your company as a whole needs to run like a well-oiled machine.


It's at this point that you must compare the progress of each step in the planning stage to your organization's objectives. At this point, you'll need to work with your employees to make sure they're all moving in the same direction. The Gulick 7 functions of management define controlling as coordinating, reporting, and budgeting in terms of Gulick's definition.

It's not enough to make sure that everything goes according to plan; you also need to keep an eye out for problems that might arise so that you can take appropriate action. In the event that changes or modifications are required, act quickly. Using this method will allow you to accomplish your goals more quickly and within your time and budget constraints. Take advantage of this opportunity to work together as a team.


You can rely on management functions as a framework in your professional life. Following our discussion of each function, let's look at some examples of how they're implemented. The following are some examples of management tasks:

For the sake of argument, let's pretend you're the head of operations at a furniture manufacturing company. Setting up the production, packaging, and delivery processes are among your duties. In order to keep an eye on the assembly line, you'll need to make sure everything is running smoothly and that performance isn't compromised at any point.

A manager's job is to establish clear production objectives, select the best team members, and keep tabs on their progress in order to catch mistakes early. Throughout the entire process, you must work with your team to ensure that quality standards are met.

Take on the role of a sales manager in charge of a new product rollout. You'll now have to put together a new team of salespeople for this project. In order to hire the right people, this is where you conduct an evaluation of their abilities and different skills. For example, a good mathematician can assist you in visualising sales projections and budgeting. The product packaging and ad campaigns can also benefit from a design expert.

Managers must be well-versed in all aspects of management if they hope to be successful in their positions. In order to achieve organisational goals, this is a good indicator of your efficiency and effectiveness.

Managing a team isn't as easy as it sounds because you have to deal with a wide range of personalities, work habits, and skill sets. A manager's job is to supervise, coordinate, and communicate effectively with their team members. To be an effective manager, you must be able to discern your team members' strengths and weaknesses in order to make the most of their contributions to the company's success.


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