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19 Types Of Content Writing Services For Your Business


It’s hard to know which type of content writing service is the best for your business. 

There are so many different types of content writing services out there that it’s easy to get confused. You end up wondering if you’re choosing the right one for you.

In this post, we’ll get rid of this confusion, once and for all. I’m going to list out the different kinds of writing services you could use. 

By the end of this article, you’ll know whether you need a copywriter, a content writer, or a social media marketer and how they can help you achieve your business goals.

This post is also useful for writers who want to hone their writing skills in a specific area.

Let’s dive in and learn what types of content writing services exist and when you should use them. (Bonus – if you want to hire the top 1% of writers, go to the bottom to learn how).

Types of Content Writing Services

As we go through the list of content writing services, you will find that many of them overlap. That’s perfectly fine.

Most types of writing aim towards engaging people, creating conversions, and sharing information. But different content writing services do these things in different ways.

Here’s a breakdown of the various types of content writing services you should know about.

  1. Blog Post Writing
  2. Copywriting
  3. Technical Writing
  4. Social Media Content
  5. SEO Writing
  6. Landing Pages
  7. Static Web Pages
  8. Advertising and Sales Copy
  9. Marketing and Branding Copy
  10. Email Copywriting
  11. Creative Writing
  12. Ghostwriting
  13. Feature Writing
  14. Journalism and PR Writing
  15. Content Writing Services
  16. Op-ed, Editorial, or Opinion Pieces
  17. Product Description and Guides
  18. UX Writing
  19. Academic Writing

1. Blog Post Writing

Bloggers create content for a blog site. Their content appears on a business’s or media publication’s blog. Usually, blog content is made up of text-based content ranging from 300 to 1000 words. And even more.

Many bloggers create long-form content with over 1500 words. Blog writers share their thoughts on a particular subject and offer information and insights that their readers can use.

You’ll find many freelancers who can create blog content for you and offer a wide range of writing services including content for static pages, summaries, and more.

There are many bloggers who have their own blog websites on which they share posts around a specific topic. Think food blogs or tech review blogs. Or even this one which is all about content marketing.

If you’re looking for someone to help you with content for your blog, a blogger is a great option. They can help you in the following ways:

  • Write clear and fresh content on a topic
  • Create short-form or long-form blog posts
  • Boost your website’s SEO ranking by writing helpful posts that answer your target audience’s questions
  • Create and add images and other graphics for your content
  • Outline and write posts regularly. Some times every day
  • Write meta descriptions, add categories, tags, and more
  • Access the backend of your WordPress site (with credentials you share) and update your blog with fresh posts

You need to have a solid blog to help your business rank for various keywords. It’s also important to be consistent and post blog articles on a regular basis. A freelancer or a blog writer will help you do these things and build your website’s presence.

2. Copywriting

Copywriters are responsible for creating ad copy, email marketing content, landing pages, and other types of promotional content. They help businesses craft a message that’s clear, concise, and persuasive.

The difference between copywriters and other types of content writers is that copywriters are focused on selling and driving conversions. They use their writing skills to create content that encourages people to take a specific action, such as subscribing to a mailing list or buying a product.

If you need someone to help you create promotional content and sales copy, a copywriter is the best option. They know how to push the right emotional buttons and structure a landing page or email copy to get people to buy.

3. Technical Writing

Technical writers are responsible for creating user manuals, instruction manuals, and other types of technical documentation. They’re responsible for making sure that the information they provide is clear, concise, and easy to follow.

A technical guide by Meta to help developers use their API
Technical documentation by Meta to help developers use their API

Some technical writers have degrees and work experience in a specific field like engineering. This ensures that they have real knowledge about a subject and this helps them write informative and useful content. However, this isn’t a necessity.

Technical writers can have different backgrounds and skill levels. They need to know various techniques like information mapping, which can help them organize and present complex information in a way that’s easy to understand.

And they work with tools like MadCap Flare, DITA, Adobe Framemaker, and other tools to create professional-looking documentation.

If you need someone to help you create user manuals or other types of technical documentation, a technical writer is the best option. They have the writing skills and knowledge to help you create documents that are easy to understand and follow.

4. Social Media Content

Social media marketers create content for businesses to share on social media. This content can take many forms such as blog posts, images, infographics, and videos.

While this seems similar to blog writing and content writing in general, it’s important to remember that social media is a whole other beast.

Social media writers know that people’s attentions are short. And that they need to capture people’s attention in a matter of seconds. So they use catchy headlines, punchy sentences, and images to get people to read their content.

And they have to create content to post several times a day for every day of the week. A social media marketer needs to have multiple skills. You need to hire a social media writer if you want to build your social media following and increase your brand awareness.

5. SEO Writing

SEO writers are responsible for creating articles that help businesses rank higher in search engine results pages. They do this by including keywords and phrases throughout the article along with other Search Engine Optimization techniques.

They also know how to structure a blog post or article for easy reading. And to use natural language that will appeal to humans and search engine crawlers alike. They also understand a person’s search intent and create content that helps people find answers to their problems.

A top SEO content writer will know how to use SEO tools to find relevant content to include in a post. And they’ll optimize their posts to get a high score for readability, relevance, and more.

Want your content to rank for a specific keyword or phrase? Look for SEO content writing services.

6. Landing Pages

Landing pages are one of the most important types of web pages. They’re the ones that people see when they first visit your website whether it’s by clicking on an ad link or social media link.

A landing page’s job is to convince people to stay on your website and to take a specific action, such as subscribing to a mailing list or buying a product.

Copywriters are the best people to write landing pages. They know how to use persuasive language and structure a page so that it’s easy to read. They also know how to design a landing page that looks good and is user-friendly.

7. Static Web Pages

Static web pages are the types of pages that you see on most websites. They’re usually just a page with some text and images on it.

A business’s home page, about page, contact page, etc are examples of static web pages.

Copywriters and content writers, in general, can write static web pages. They’ll use the same persuasive language and structure as they would for a landing page. But they’ll also make sure that the page has content that’s evergreen and relevant.

So that when visitors arrive on your site for the first time, they know exactly what your business does and how you can help them.

Static web pages are also useful for sharing information and answering your audience’s questions.

8. Advertising & Sales Copy

Advertising and sales copy is the type of writing that’s used to sell a product or service. It’s usually short and to-the-point, with a catchy headline and a strong call to action.

Sales copywriters are experts at crafting advertising and sales messages that work. They know how to persuade readers into taking certain actions, like signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product.

But they don’t stop there. They also know how persuasive marketing works. So they craft messages that are both effective and ethical.

And they know how to target audiences based on demographics and psychographics. This means that they know which groups of people respond better to different kinds of messaging.

For example, they might write a message targeting women who want to lose weight but have trouble sticking to diets. Or they could write a message targeted toward men who love sports cars.

9. Marketing & Branding Copy

Marketing and branding copy is the kind of writing that influences how the public sees a business or a person.

Branding copywriters are experts at creating messages that define a company’s personality and brand values. They’ll do this through things like slogans, taglines, social media posts, and website copy.

They also know how to create memorable visuals that represent their company. And they know how to use words to support graphics, video content, and more in a way that makes customers feel connected to the brand.

Think of brands like Nike, Starbucks, and yes, even people like Beyoncé or Billie Eilish. These are powerful brands that are memorable, easy to recognize, and distinct.

Take a look at how Starbucks describes itself on Facebook. The people behind the brand don’t call it a chain of coffee shops. They talk about connection and community.

A short, crisp, and creative description of Starbucks brand on Facebook
Starbucks’s description of their brand on Facebook

In contrast, take a look at the results for another coffee chain company on Facebook.

Description used by other coffee chain brands on Facebook
Third Wave Coffee Roasters on Facebook. There’s no apparent effort at branding online

While this chain of stores is also wildly popular and does have a great brand in its physical stores, it hasn’t translated to its online presence.

It’s not only important to create branding material, it’s also critical to ‘own’ and be responsible for driving your branding efforts.

This is where a content manager can help you. Marketing and branding content writers will focus on high-level content. Such content is meant to be evocative and convey the value that the business wants to show the world. 

To build your own brand image and grow your online presence, work with writers who specialize in brand marketing. You’ll differentiate your business from the competition, and set expectations for the quality of work you provide and even the price you can charge for your offerings. 

10. Email Copywriting

Email marketing copywriting is different from other types of writing because you’re speaking directly to an individual person.

Whereas, with other forms of communication, you’re generally targeting unknown visitors on your website or creating content for a large number of people.

When used well, email marketing can help you nurture a relationship with your audience. Over time, you can not only get people to buy your product but to also stay a loyal customer for years.

The key is to personalize your emails and offer value. Email marketing copywriters are responsible for crafting compelling messages that get recipients excited about receiving more emails from you. They must be able to use catchy subject lines and email copy that drives clicks and further engagement.

Such writers need to know how to work with email marketing tools like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and others. They know how to personalize content so that even if you have an email list of thousands of people, each person gets an email that addresses them with their first name.

There are writers who specialize in email content writing only. You can also work with copywriters, content writers, and freelancers to get email writing services.  

11. Creative Writing

Creative writing is a type of writing that’s used to express emotions or ideas. It’s often used for artistic purposes, like composing poems or painting pictures with words.

But it can also be used for more practical purposes, like creating blog posts or crafting social media updates.

Creative writers are experts at coming up with imaginative stories. They use the power of words and carefully crafted sentences to take readers into other worlds.

This type of writing can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Crafting blog posts
  • Writing social media updates
  • Creating website content
  • Composing poems or short stories
  • Writing online books

If you’re in an industry where you need to create stories and imaginative content, then you’ll need the services of a creative content writer.

12. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting is a type of writing where the writer isn’t credited for their work. This is often done when someone wants to write a book, but they don’t have the time or skills to do it themselves.

In this situation, the ghostwriter will take all of the ideas from the client and put them into a format that’s ready to be published. They’ll also help the client to come up with a title and market the book.

Ghostwriters are often hired by celebrities, business leaders, and politicians who want to write a book but don’t have the time or skills to do it themselves.

Why would business owners need ghostwriting services? Here are two main reasons:

  1. You want to write a book to share your experiences and build an audience, but you lack the skills and the time to do this yourself.
  2. You want to create guest posts for other publications but don’t have the time to do it yourself and meet the requirements that other media publications have

In such cases, it’s a good idea to work with a ghostwriter. They can help you to get your content out there, while also preserving your ideas and unique voice.

13. Feature Writing

Feature writing is a type of writing that’s used to tell stories about people, businesses, or events. These types of stories often appear in newspapers and magazines.

A feature writing about women entrepreneurs on Herstory
A feature story by YourStory on a female entrepreneur. Source

Feature writers are experts at telling engaging stories that capture the reader’s attention. They use strong narratives and rich detail to bring the story to life.

Such writers often do a lot of research before they start writing so that they can get the facts straight. They also need to be able to interview people and get quotes from them.

Feature writers are often hired by media publications to write stories about businesses, events, or people.

If you’re looking for someone to write a story about your business or your own business journey, then you’ll need the services of a feature writer. They can help you to get your story out there and generate some publicity.

14. Journalism and PR writing

Journalism is the practice of reporting news. This can be done in a variety of ways, including writing articles, producing news broadcasts, or photographing events.

Journalists are often hired by media organizations to write stories about current events or to provide commentary on them. They also need to be able to interview people and get quotes from them.

PR writing is a type of writing that’s used to promote businesses and organizations. It’s often used to generate publicity for them by sending out press releases or creating content that’s optimized for search engines.

If you’re launching a new business, product, or service, then you could use the services of a PR writer. If want to regularly share thought leadership content with expert panel roundups, then a digital PR firm can help you with that too. 

Working with a PR specialist is also useful if you want to do damage control in case your brand is associated with negative news. A PR writer will help you communicate with the public and other media channels in a way that puts a positive spin on our brand.

So, work with a PR writer to help you generate publicity for your business. If you run a news site or media publication, then look for journalists.

15. Content Writing Services

Content writing is a broad term that includes a number of writing formats that we’ve already covered in this post.

Content writers create blog posts, articles, landing page copy, and a lot more. The goal of content writing is to educate people through digital and print media. For online media, one critical way that content writers can help you is by creating pillar content.

Pillar content is a type of content that’s used to educate people about a particular topic. It’s often long and in-depth, and it provides a comprehensive overview of the topic that it covers.

A small breakdown  definition of pillar content

Creating pillar content is useful because it can establish your business as an authority or expert on a specific topic. Such content will send more traffic to your website and keep visitors on for longer periods of time.

Another critical job a content writer or manager does for you is to support the customer’s journey. This is also referred to as a sales or marketing funnel from a business perspective. 

The customer journey starts when a person realizes that they have a problem. And it moves through looking for solutions, comparing products, to buying a product that solves it. 87% of businesses guide their prospects through the buyer’s journey with content.

And a content writer will keep this in mind when generating topics and writing content.

Businesses can also work with content writers to help them with a variety of other tasks, including:

  • Writing blog posts
  • Writing articles
  • Writing landing page copy
  • Writing email marketing content
  • Writing social media content
  • Creating eBooks

If you’re looking for a service that covers a variety of content creation services in general, then seek out a content writing agency or freelancer.

16. Op-ed, Editorial, or Opinion Pieces

An op-ed stands for “opposed to the editorial page”. It’s also known as an Editorial piece or an Opinion piece. It’s generally written for a newspaper or media publication by a person who is not a staff member.

An op-ed by Larry Ryan on the The Guardian
An Opinion Piece, Op-Ed or Editorial Piece on The Guardian

An op-ed writer is typically an industry expert in some area. And they provide their unique and expert-driven perspective on some major issues that are currently trending.

However, not all opinion piece writers are experts. They can also be everyday folk who just have something interesting to share.

Creating op-ed or opinion pieces is a great opportunity for a website or news publication’s audience to hear from a real person. And it can be a powerful way for a business owner to get positive exposure for their brand.

To create an impactful op-ed piece, you need to:

  • Have a strong opinion on an issue
  • Confront critics head-on
  • Have a unique perspective on a topic
  • Share your personal and professional experiences
  • And offer solutions based on your experience and knowledge

Writing an op-ed or an opinion piece is a great way to build your reputation as a thought leader and draw attention to your brand.

If you have a great story but don’t know how to tell it, work with a professional Editorial or Opinion piece writer. You can also work with a journalist who can easily work with this style of writing.

17. Product Descriptions and Guides

A product description is a well-written piece that provides potential customers with all the information they need to know about a product.

A good product description will include:

  • The product’s features
  • Its benefits
  • The product’s specifications
  • The product price and an offer
  • Instructions on how to use the product

A product description is important because it can help you to increase your conversion rate, especially on major eCommerce websites.

An example of a product description on Amazon
A brief product description on Amazon

If you’re looking to create product descriptions that are effective and informative, then you’ll need the services of a copywriter. Especially someone who has experience writing product descriptions that work.

18. UX Writing

UX writing refers to the process of creating content that is both useful and user-friendly.

In other words, it’s all about creating content that will help users achieve their goals. This means ensuring the content is clear and concise, easy to navigate, and free of errors.

Content writing services that specialize in UX writing can help to ensure that your website or app is as user-friendly as possible. And that’s good news for both you and your users.

UX writing mainly deals with creating microcopy.

This is the small bits of text that we encounter every day when using websites, apps, and other digital products.

It includes everything from error messages and field labels to notifications and confirmation messages.

An example of how micro-copy looks on Hootsuite which is a part of UX writing
An example of micro-copy from HootSuite. The arrows point out small bits of writing that inform and enhance user experience. This is part of UX writing.

While it might seem like a minor detail, micro-copy plays a crucial role in the user experience.

Well-written micro-copy is clear, concise, and easy to understand. It helps users to complete tasks quickly and efficiently without getting frustrated or confused. As a result, businesses that invest in quality UX writing services can significantly improve their overall customer satisfaction levels.

If you’re a UX writer, you’ll also benefit from working with useful UX writing tools to create better content.

19. Academic writing

When you need high quality academic content writing assistance, consider professional academic writing services provided by content writing experts.

These services, offered by writing companies, specialize in creating content that highlights the benefits of your academic work. Unlike other academic writing services, they are great at creating engaging website content.

Online academic writing services are convenient, providing a simple process to place orders and receive completed work. While academic writing services costs may vary, Getting professional writing services increases the quality of your academic submissions big time!

Choosing the right service ensures your work is in the hands of industry experts.

Choosing the Right Content Writing Service Provider

When it comes to finding a content writing service provider, it’s important to consider the different services offered by top content writing companies in this field.

These content writing agencies are skilled in creating various types of content that suit different business needs.

Reliable content writing companies can write engaging site content that shows the benefits of your products or services.

The options provided by these writing service companies allow for a wide range of customizable content that aligns with your specific business goals and audience preferences.

Craft a Winning Content Strategy with The Help of A Content Manager

Hopefully, you’ve found this post helpful. However, if you’re a business owner, you might just be realizing that creating content is a lot of work. And it needs a dedicated person at the helm to make sure that it’s going in the right direction.

One of the best things you can do for your business is to hire a content manager to help you with your content strategy and writing. A content manager will help you:

  • Come up with topics that match your customer’s journey
  • Hire writers
  • Write the content
  • Generate reports and track analytics
  • Maintain standards to ensure high-quality content is produced
  • And leverages content to drive success

Looking for a content writer, manager, or strategist? Reach out to me.

Your content performance depends on your writer’s skill. Want to hire the best writers? Work with the best skills testing AI platform.

FAQs About the Types of Content Writing Services for Businesses

Now that we’ve covered the different kinds of content writing services, you probably have a good idea of who you need to hire and what kind of work they can do.

However, can still be some confusion about picking skilled writers and whether you should work with freelancers or hire someone in-house.

Here are some FAQs about content writing services that can help you.

What Skills Does a Content Writer Need?

Experienced content writers typically have a good understanding of grammar and punctuation. They also have excellent research skills, so they can gather all the information they need to write an article or a blog post.

In addition, content writers should be able to write in a clear and concise manner. And they should be able to write for different types of audiences, so they can create content that is relevant and engaging for all types of readers.

Content creators also need to be familiar with various content marketing tools, languages, and software including:

  • SEO tools like SurferSEO, Ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush
  • WordPress
  • Microsoft Office
  • Google Drive
  • HTML and CSS and more.

What matters is your own business goals. Think about what you want to achieve and decide what skills matter the most when you want to hire a writer.

What Services Does a Content Writer Provide?

Aside from the list of writing services provided here, a content writer could audit your existing content and help you create more relevant posts and articles.

Content writers can give you marketing tips outside of content writing that include web design, providing digital downloads, and more. However, they most likely won’t implement these ideas for you.

Finally, content writers will make sure that your content is right for people and the internet. They do this by making your content relevant and in line with your customers’ journey.

How Do I Know What to Write About?

Chances are, your content writer will help you with this. They’ll help you come up with ideas for topics to write about and then help you to write the content.

However, the most important factor is knowing what your audience wants. Your audience’s needs will direct the topics you choose and the format of the content you create.

For example, if you have an accounting firm, then your target customers will be individuals and business owners that want to file taxes correctly and comply with the law.

You could opt to create educational blog posts and YouTube videos on how to save taxes legally. In this way, let your customers’ needs drive what kind of content you should make and how.

And make sure you use the best writing apps to help create content. The right tool can make a difference in how fast you write, and it can improve your writing quality.

How do I figure out if my content writing is working or not?

This is where analytics come in. Most content writers will use Google Analytics or a similar program to track the number of people that are viewing your content, where they’re coming from, and how long they’re spending on your pages.

This information will help you to see which pieces of content are successful and which ones need more work. You can then use this data to help you create more content that is successful and engages your customers.

83% of marketers rely on organic traffic to measure content efficiency. 70% use pageviews, 66% use leads, and 53% rely on conversion rate.

However, you can’t measure every single way content writing helps you. Some people will read your blog post today and then check your social media a week from now. Your content is memorable and making an impact but you wouldn’t be able to measure this easily.

Content writing also impacts your brand image – another difficult-to-measure factor. In general, rely on analytics, traffic, and online engagement to see if your content writing is working.

How to Find the Best Writers for Any Content Writing Service?

If you’re a marketing manager or business owner seeking a writer, you might wonder where to find the best people to hire.

There’s no question that the top writers are hard to find… and busy. And it takes a great deal of time to identify, vet, test, pay, and collaborate with them.

However, you can reduce your workload and leave finding the right writer to the experts i.e. the brilliant team at Workello.

Workello is a skills testing platform that will test and identify the cream of the applicant crop. Take a free trial and let Workello deal with finding your star writer from your applicant pool.


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