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Start a Shoe Freshener Making Business

(348). Start a Shoe Freshener Making Business
Foot odor is caused by bacteria and enzymes, so one of the better ways to get rid of that odor is to kill what is responsible. A safe and easy (not to mention inexpensive) way to do this is to freeze your shoes. Just put your foul footgear into airtight, sealable freezer bags and then place this package into a freezer overnight. Most odor-causing bacteria and enzymes cannot withstand the frigid temperatures. Be sure to remove your shoes the following morning and allow plenty of time to thaw them out before placing them on your feet.

Although there aren't too many different shoe fresheners on the market today, there are two distinct types of shoe fresheners. Some shoe fresheners work by absorbing the foot odor and other work by masking it. Some products, of course, combine both methods to try to combat offensive foot odor from both angles. There are many natural products, most of which you probably already have around your home, that can be used for deodorizing smelly sneakers, boots or shoes. All of these shoe deodorizer products should be put on at night and allowed to sit in the shoe overnight for best results.

Getting embarrassed by your stinking shoes! Keeping your most expensive shoes away only because they stink? Here’s the most expensive solution for it. Shoe freshener is the best to get rid of those stinking shoes. They are especially great in that season when humidity and heat are at its worst. Shoe freshener comes in different forms like that of balls and sprays. 

How Do Absorbent Shoe Fresheners Work?

  • The process underlying absorbent shoe fresheners is relatively simple. Absorbent shoe fresheners are placed inside the shoe, usually in the form of an insole, and contain a highly absorbent material of some sort.
    The material that is usually used in this application is activated charcoal. As foot odor emanates from the feet the activated charcoal absorbs the unpleasant odors much the way that a sponge absorbs water. Activated charcoal can absorb a great deal of odor and such shoe fresheners can be worn for months at a time and remain effective.

Which Type of Shoe Freshener is Most Effective?

  • Shoe fresheners that combine both methods, both absorbent and masking qualities, generally work best. But, if one was to pick a shoe freshener with only one active method it would probably be best to pick an absorbent shoe freshener. Not only do they last longer, but they also combat the foot odor at its source, instead of attempting to cover that unpleasant odor up with another, stronger scent.

  • 2/3 c. baking soda
  • 15 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 5 drops tea tree oil (optional)
  • 1/3 c. sage leaves or mint leaves (dried & crumbled)
  • 2 cotton muslin bags
  • 2 large paper tea leaf bags
Mix ingredients in a small bowl. Fill the two paper tea bags equally with the mixture, then seal, then place inside the cotton muslin bags. the tea leaf bags help keep the powder from leaking into your boots., but if you don’t mind a fine dusting of this refreshing smelling, odour busting powder ending up in your boots, just skip the step and put all the ingredients inside the cloth muslin bag. This recipe is good for 2 bags or one set of shoes/boots for about 3 months or so. Tea tree oil is also naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial. I put it as optional as it’s strong smelling and something you may want to add and may not. With time, the baking soda will absorb the essential oils, so feel free to add a couple drops from time to time to give the freshener a boost.
What’s in it? Baking soda – helps absorb moisture and odours. Sage and/or mint leaves – add a fresh scent and they will also help absorb moisture in your boots. Rosemary essential oil is naturally antimicrobial, antibacterial, and smells refreshing. Tea tree essential oil – also an excellent antimicrobial and antibacterial oil.


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