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Start a Contact Lens Manufacturing Business

Start a Contact Lens Manufacturing Business
The contact lens is a device worn in the eye to correct vision, although some people wear colored contact lens to enhance or change their eye color. The thin plastic lens floats on a film of tears directly over the cornea. For some forms of eye disease, contact lenses correct vision better than conventional spectacles. Many people prefer contact lenses over glasses for cosmetic reasons, and active sports enthusiasts prefer contact lens because of the freedom it provides them. There are basically three types of lenses: soft, hard, and gas-permeable. Soft contact lenses are usually more comfortable to wear, but they also tear more easily than hard contact lenses. Hard lenses also tend to "pop" out more frequently. Gas-permeable lenses are a compromise between the hard and soft, allowing greater comfort than hard lenses but less chance of tearing than soft lenses. Contacts are usually worn during the day and taken out every night for cleaning. Extended-wear lenses allow users to leave in their contacts for longer periods of time, even when they're sleeping. More recently, one-a-day contact lenses are gaining popularity among lens wearers. These contacts are worn for only one day and thrown away, eliminating the hassle of cleaning them every night.

Contact Lenses – The Design Process

Contact lenses are spherical and designed to maintain their orientation regardless of eye movement. You may find that a lens is marked with small lines to assist with fitting and positioning. Contact lenses are worn to correct poor vision, and today there are various different types of lenses, available for different needs. With such a vast product range, including disposable contact lenses, overnight lenses, bi-weekly lenses, and monthly ones, choosing the right product is extremely easy.
Raw Material
The raw material for contact lenses is a plastic polymer. (A polymer is a blend of materials created by linking the molecules of different chemical substances.) Hard contact lenses are made of some variant of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Soft contact lenses are made of a polymer such as poly hydroxyethyl methacrylate (pHEMA) that has hydrophilic qualities, that is, it can soak up water and still retain its shape and optic functions. The science of lens material is always being updated by lens manufacturers, and the specific material of any contact lens may differ depending on the maker.

Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process for contact lenses depends on whether the lenses are soft contacts, rigid gas permeable contacts or hybrid lenses.
Contact Lens

How Soft Contacts Are Made

Soft contacts are made of hydrophilic ("water-loving") plastic polymers called hydrogels. These materials can absorb water and become soft and pliable without losing their optical qualities.

Soft contacts — including new highly oxygen-permeable varieties called silicone hydrogel lenses — can be made with either a lathe cutting process or an injection molding process.
  • Lathe cutting. In this process, non-hydrated disks (or "buttons") of soft contact lens material are individually mounted on spinning shafts and are shaped with computer-controlled precision cutting tools. After the front and back surfaces are shaped with the cutting tool, the lens is then removed from the lathe and hydrated to soften it. The finished lenses then undergo quality assurance testing.

    Though the lathe cutting process has more steps and is more time-consuming than an injection molding process, over the years the process has become more automated. With computers and industrial robotics, it now takes only a few minutes to create a lathe-cut soft contact lens.
  • Injection molding. In this process, the soft contact lens material is heated to a molten state and is then injected into computer-designed molds under pressure. The lenses are then quickly cooled and removed from the molds. The edges of the lenses are polished smooth, and the lenses are hydrated to soften them prior to undergoing quality assurance testing.

    Most disposable contact lenses are made with an injection molding process, as this method is faster and less expensive than lathe cutting processes.

How Gas Permeable Contacts Are Made

Most rigid gas permeable lenses (RGP or GP lenses) are made of oxygen-permeable plastic polymers containing silicone and fluorine. GP lenses contain very little water and remain rigid on the eye.
Gas permeable lenses are custom-made to specifications supplied by the prescribing doctor and hence are more costly than mass-produced soft lenses.
A greater degree of customization is needed for GP contacts because they maintain their shape and don't conform to the eye like soft lenses. Minute differences in lens design can be the difference between a comfortable fit and contact lens failure with gas permeable lenses.
GP contacts are made with a computerized precision lathe cutting process similar to that used for lathe-cut soft lenses. But generally they are shipped dry to the prescribing doctor. The doctor's office then soaks the lenses in a GP contact lens care solution prior to dispensing them. This solution "conditions" the lens surfaces for greater wearing comfort.

How Hybrid Contact Lenses Are Made

Hybrid contact lenses have a central optical zone made of rigid gas permeable plastic, surrounded by a peripheral fitting zone made of a soft contact lens material.
Hybrid lenses are made with a process very similar to lathe-cut soft contact lenses, with one very significant difference: the plastic disks cut with the lathe have a GP center, surrounded by non-hydrated soft contact lens material.
The two materials are bonded together with proprietary technology to prevent separation of the materials after the lenses are cut and hydrated.

Contact Lens Manufacturing Equipment

PPI developed and manufactured a complete line of automated manufacturing equipment for use in high-volume production of custom-prescription contact lenses. Hardware is deployed in Bausch & Lomb's manufacturing facilities, where it runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, producing both hard and soft lenses.
Challenges included ultra-high uptime requirements, extremely close tolerances associated with optical manufacturing, and strict development timetables.

Contact Lens Vending Machine
In vending machines  you can buy lenses (even 1 piece), they are packing in blister. but they are cheap. 


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