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Start a Ginseng Capsule Making Business

Start a Ginseng Capsule  Making Business

What is Ginseng?

 Ginseng root is native to eastern Asia and North America, and has been in use as a folk medicine and tonic.
 A perennial plant, wild ginseng is often found in heavily wooded areas and requires rich soil to thrive. Ginseng takes several years to mature, and most cultivated roots are harvested when the plant is between 3-10 years old. After too many years the cultivated plant and its root can begin to degenerate, and the root may become pitted and wooden. Interestingly enough this happens mainly with cultivated ginseng, wild ginseng can reach as much as a hundred years of age without any marked degeneration.
The plant itself is very attractive, with well shaped green leaves and bright red berries. Research has demonstrated that active ginsenocides can be found in limited quantities in the leaves and stalk of the plant, however the root possesses the greatest concentration of active ginsenocides, and it is only the root that is traditionally used for its medicinal value. The ginseng plants original chinese name, Ren Shen, means Man Root due to the shape of the ginseng root which strongly resembles the form of a human body.

Ginseng capsules are available in several varieties. To choose the best ginseng capsule, it is important to assess individual needs and study the differences between each type of capsule. The most notable differences are age and species of ginseng, country of origin and processing method. Other differences include potency, quality and cost.

Ginseng is cultivated in both Asia and North America. The species Panax ginseng is indigenous to Asia, and Panax quinquefolius is the American species. Asian and American ginseng also grow wild, although they are considered rare and endangered. Both wild and cultivated ginseng are available in capsule form.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Asian and American ginseng are believed to have different therapeutic properties. Asian ginseng is more yang and is used to balance yin conditions. The American variety is more yin and is used to balance yang conditions. Asian ginseng is more stimulating, while American ginseng is more tonic.
With regard to processing, ginseng capsules are divided into two categories: white and red. Both are produced from the same type of ginseng root, and the color is determined by the processing method. For white ginseng, the root is peeled and dried in the sun, which bleaches it. For red ginseng, the root is steam-heated to 212 degrees Fahrenheit (100 degrees Celsius),which turns it dark red, increases its potency and preserves the active ingredients.

Why should I use Ginseng?

Ginseng is known for:
  • Opening the mind
  • Strengthening the body
  • Improving memory
  • Increasing vitality
  • Extending endurance
  • Cleansing the body of stress
  • Fighting fatigue
  • Resisting disease
  • Bolstering immunity
  • Balancing metabolism
  • Preventing headaches
  • Treating sleep disorders and overcoming insomnia
  • Ginseng has had beneficial effects on women suffering post-menopausal symptoms.
  • Ginseng has also demonstrated clinical improvements in virility among men, and effected improvements in conditions of sexual dysfunction for both sexes.

How do I use Ginseng?

  Dried ginseng root has been the most commonly available form of ginseng in Asia for thousands of years. The root can be used by itself in an infusion (tea), or as a part of a combination of herbal ingredients taken together either as an infusion, a pill, or a medicinal wine.
     The most popular ways of consuming ginseng root are as an infusion or as an extract. The dried roots can also be sliced for consumption by themselves or in combination with other foods such as honey. Alternatively, they can be powdered and added to foods that way, or the powder packed into gel capsules.
     To prepare as an infusion (tea) bring 24 ounces of water to a boil, preferably in a non-metallic container such as an enamel or porcelain pot, and then add about 1/8 to 1/3 ounce of dry whole or sliced ginseng root, or a loose handful of our American Ginseng Clippings. The more you add the deeper the color of the tea will be, and the more potent. These are general guidelines; as you become more experienced you can use more or less water and more or less ginseng to suit your personal tastes.
     Turn down the flame to low and simmer covered for about 20-30 minutes. You can boil longer if you prefer, up until the water is about half reduced.
     Allow the resultant tea to reach room temperature. In Daoist thought, which permeates Chinese medicine, teas should be taken at a tepid neutral temperature. It can be taken hot at the time of preparation if you prefer. Consume about one cup once or twice a day.
     To make enough for several days increase the amounts proportionately. The tea can be safely stored in a refrigerator, and reheated if desired on the stove or in a microwave.
     The roots can be sliced and consumed. When making a tea the roots should be left in it throughout the simmering and cooling stages. When the tea is poured off the softened root can then be easily sliced.
     Dried ginseng root can be softened without making tea by placing several pieces together in a microwave on medium or high for a few minutes at most. Great care must be exercised not to let the roots become scorched, or they will be rendered unpalatable. Place at least four or five roots, if not more, in a plastic bag and mist lightly with a spray bottle. Close the top of the bag and place in the microwave. Try to use at least five roots or the roots may be too easily scorched.
     Check every 30 seconds to see how soft they have become. Do not over-microwave them. After a couple of minutes or so the roots will be softened enough to be easily sliced by a sharp knife. The slices can then be consumed, a few slices at a time, by themselves or in honey. 

Proper Storage of Ginseng:
Store ginseng at room temperature, between 59 and 86 degrees F (15 and 30 degrees C), in a cool, dry place. Store away from heat, moisture, and light. Do not store in the bathroom. Most herbal products are not in childproof containers. Keep ginseng out of the reach of children and away from pets.

What is the difference between "Red" Ginseng and "White" Ginseng?

Ginseng is naturally white or off-white when harvested. The manner in which it is then dried determines the color. In ancient times red ginseng was ginseng which had been dried in the sun. In modern times red ginseng is often steamed during processing, which has the similar effect of changing the color to red. In both cases this is probably due to the caramelizing of sugars in the root.     Red ginseng is considered warmer, or more "yang" than white ginseng. White ginseng is conversely considered cooler, or more "yin". These distinctions have nothing to do with the taste, which is neither.
     It has been theorized that the effect sun-drying or steaming white roots has on the ginsenocides, the principal active ingredients of ginseng root, may be no different than the effect caused by simply infusing a dried white root in hot water to make tea. Purists would likely disagree. 

Ginseng Side Effects, Safety, Danger, Risk

High dosages of ginseng can cause overstimulation, restlessness, rapid heart beat, anxiety, headache, and insomnia. Just with any medication or supplement, the right dosage can be quite helpful while an excessive amount can lead to unpleasant adverse effects. Discuss with your doctor before using a ginseng product if you have a heart condition, are taking blood pressure pills, hormone medications, anti-depressants, or have a serious health condition.
   Insomnia is a common side effect from ginseng overuse, particularly Asian ginseng—especially when it’s combined in high doses with other herbs or nutrients that cause alertness. Althea, a 38 year-old owner of a garden shop in Maui, says, "I took ginseng that was recommended by a Chinese physician for fatigue. I took it for two weeks. I felt really better emotionally, mellow, and with increased energy. Then I started to have increased sleep problems and insomnia. I went three days being so mentally and physically overstimulated that I hardly got any sleep. I imagine this is what being on "speed" must feel like. I stopped taking the ginseng and within two days I slowly returned to my normal state."
   This story confirms my recommendations that dosages of nutrients and herbs have to be constantly evaluated since they can build up in the system.
   Patients being treated with the blood-thinning drug Coumadin (warfarin) should probably avoid using ginseng, since ginseng seems to reduce the drug's effects. Ginseng use for two weeks was tied to a significant reduction in the INR, meaning that the blood was now less thin and more prone to clotting.
   Ginseng should be used cautiously in those with heart disease. Keep the dosage low in order to prevent heart racing or high blood pressure.

The world ginseng market and the ginseng (Korea)


Ginseng is being consumed in various forms depending on the nature of consumer culture in each country.
Asian countries such as South Korea and China have a long history of ginseng consumption that goes back as far as 1,000 years. Looking at the consumption pattern by each country, while ginseng root product is the mainstream in China and Taiwan, it is consumed in the form of solid type such as capsule, tablet, etc. and tonic nutrition beverage in addition to ginseng root product in Canada, US, Japan, etc.
On the other hand, in the case of South Korea, the world’s strongest ginseng distribution market, a wide variety of products are being consumed to the extent that it is no exaggeration to say any kind of ginseng product can be found in South Korea.
In South Korea, ginseng root is consumed and distributed in 4 types. The first is fresh ginseng right out of the field, the second is processed white ginseng which is dried ginseng, the third is Taekuksam which is the fresh ginseng blanched in the water dried, and the fourth is red ginseng which is steamed fresh ginseng with vapor and dry. Among them, while the full quantity of fresh ginseng and Taekuksam are consumed in ginseng root type and approximately 95% of white ginseng is consumed as ginseng root and only approximately 5% is distributed as processed products, red ginseng is more consumed in various processed forms (67%) than in ginseng root (33%) form. In particular, the representative ginseng of South Korea is red ginseng and its related products are widely consumed as health supplements, general food, medicine and the majority (estimating more than 90%) is consumed as health foods (agricultural products, health supplements, and general food) (Table 5).
Table 5.
Production amount by classification of each ginseng type in South Korea
These red ginseng health supplements are consumed in the forms of ginseng root, powder, tablet, capsule, concentrated extracts, soft capsule, pill, granule, beverage, candy, etc. The production amount by classification of each ginseng type in South Korea as of 2009 is estimated as follows.
In South Korea, ginseng is widely being consumed by children as well as the elderly. Recently, ginseng consuming classes are gradually expanding to the children and the youth. Although most ginseng (Korea), they have become the most popular health foods for all of Korean. In South Korea, ginseng consumption stays steady throughout a year and especially, the sales reaches the highest marks around New Year’s Day, Parents’ Day, Chuseok holiday seasons, etc.
Red ginseng, the most attractive product of the South Korea ginseng markets, takes approximately 59% in the entire South Korean market, and the consumption is continuously rising every year and growing steadily each year in every ginseng type as well as health foods (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2.
Recent market trends of red ginseng in South Korea.
The key reasons why specifically ginseng (Korea) is loved by customers in South Korea, are shown above. The meaning can be reaffirmed from the fact that ginseng (Korea) was originated from “Panacea (cure-all).” The efficacy research by the modern scientific approach started from 1950, and research is still being conducted by many eminent scholars to explore the mysterious efficacy. In South Korea, there are about 1,000 scholars who study ginseng, and more than a hundred of research papers are published every year.
Various effects of ginseng have been reported so far; anti-stress effect , improvement on cognitive function , prevention on memory impairment , anti-wrinkle effect , treatment of androgenic alopecia , prevention of influenza virus , gastroprotective effect , anti-diabetic effect , hepatoprotective effect , renoprotective effect , efficacy in erectile dysfunction , effect on blood circulation , efficacy in inhibiting acquired immune deficiency syndrome virus (human immunodeficiency virus) growth , efficacy in improving female climacteric disorder , protection against 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin , anti-oxidant effect, cancer prevention , etc. including homeostatic maintenance  of human body . Since ginseng is the most popular health food in Korea, the consumption will undoubted keep increasing.


Due to a growing well-being trend around the world, the health food market focusing on natural food, medicine, and other end products of chemical synthesis of health food is expanding greatly. As of 2009, the market size of the world health foods is estimated to be $254,237 million. Since the value of ginseng is evaluated as the highest among natural health foods, if health products with various functions using this ingredient are developed, they will be able to tremendously enhance the quality of life and become the world bestseller.
Until now, the ginseng market maintained the premium around Asia based on the traditional efficacy. However, if a variety of products and marketing appropriate for the international market and customers are developed along with scientific research on efficacy, the value could expand beyond Asia and to the world in the future.
According to the international spread of ginseng consumption, the marketing strategies such as new distribution development, brands, design, packaging, price, product differentiation, etc. should be accompanied along with continuous investment in research and development in ginseng cultivation, new material development, efficacy, new product development, etc.

General information:

·         If you have any questions about ginseng, please talk with your doctor,        pharmacist, or other health care provider.
·         Ginseng is to be used only by the patient for whom it is prescribed. Do not     share it with other people.
·         If your symptoms do not improve or if they become worse, check with   your doctor.
·         Check with your pharmacist about how to dispose of unused medicine.

This information should not be used to decide whether or not to take ginseng or any other medicine. Only your health care provider has the knowledge and training to decide which medicines are right for you. This information does not endorse any medicine as safe, effective, or approved for treating any patient or health condition. This is only a brief summary of general information about ginseng. It does NOT include all information about the possible uses, directions, warnings, precautions, interactions, adverse effects, or risks that may apply to ginseng. This information is not specific medical advice and does not replace information you receive from your health care provider. You must talk with your healthcare provider for complete information about the risks and benefits of using ginseng.


  • La Nutraceuticals  Delhi
La Nutraceuticals
Manufacturer & exporter of a wide range of products which include ginseng roots, antioxidant capsules, antioxidant capsules for skin, antioxidants, ayurvedic syrups, breast care products & ginseng roots from India.

Send Enquiry
Address: G - 40/2, Lawrence Road, Industrial Area, Delhi - 110 035, Delhi, India
Phone:  08376805407


Mahalaxmi Herbal Overseas
Exporter and supplier of ginseng roots.

Send Enquiry
Address: Main Road, Naya Bazar, Delhi - 110 006, Delhi, India
Phone:  +(91)-11-43596929

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