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Start a Business in Life Coach

Start a Business in Life Coach


"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. 
As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler."

 --Henry David Thoreau 

How to Be a Life Coach

Life Coaching is a profession that is profoundly different from consulting, mentoring, advice, therapy, or counseling. The coaching process addresses specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client's personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be. Certified life coaches are people who are trained in helping others reach their potential in their professional and personal lives. With today’s busy schedules and stressful life situations, more and more people are turning to life coaches to help guide them and help them achieve their goals. In order to become a certified life coach, you must complete training requirements, pass a written examination, complete observed coaching sessions, log in hours of coaching and complete a competency course. This rigorous process allows customers to know that you have achieved a certain standard of excellence set forth by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

The Life Coaching Format:
  • Complimentary Coaching Consultation
  • 60 to 90 minute "Design the Alliance" first session
  • One 30 to 90 minute phone call per week (session length depends on which coach and which program)
  • Unlimited Email support
  • Occasional brief check-in calls

Life Coaching is a designed alliance between coach and client where the coaching relationship continually gives all the power back to you, the client. We believe that you know the answers to every question or challenge you may have in your life, even if those answers appear to be obscured, concealed or hidden inside.

Why become a life coach?
There are as many answers to this as there are coaches. However, if you get a real buzz from people you'll love coaching. It's a great business to be in.

Coaching is great for individuals, businesses and teams. It can quite literally be a transformative experience. As a coach there's nothing as rewarding than seeing a team or individual develop and grow. 

Start coaching
The most important next step is to start coaching. Developing your coaching style and skills is vital. Don't worry if you haven't got clients to practice on - there is an easy way to develop a client list from scratch.

As soon as you start coaching invest in a good supervisor. A supervisor gives great advice on all aspects of coaching. Supervision is an important part of coaching. If at first you can't afford one why not swap skills as a mentor coach or meet with fellow coaches for joint supervision and co-coaching.

Book-keeping and business stuff
When starting a life coaching company consider whether you will be a sole trader, partnership or limited company. Try places like Business Link for free information to help you decide.
Book-keeping is essential. Developing good basic book-keeping systems is not difficult. You don't need an accountant if you're a sole trader. Keep good records of invoices, receipts and expenses. It's a good idea to have a system in place to keep a check on invoices

Getting Started
A life coach may meet with one client at a time, or may work with a group of clients at one time. Coaching sessions may be conducted in person, on the telephone, by e-mail, or through an Internet chat application. The communication medium is up to the coach and the client.
Many people take formal training classes before attempting to start their life coaching business. This training can be invaluable in preparing a future coach for the demands and realities of working with real clients.
Some coaches also become certified as a life coach. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is widely recognized as the leading organization in life coach credentialing. Becoming credentialed as a life coach can provide confidence to new clients that the coach meets certain standards and qualifications.
Coaches who are credentialed by the ICF or another accrediting body have a marketing advantage over coaches who are not credentialed. Announcing any formal coach training or credentials on business cards, letterheads, and websites can help to build credibility. Credibility is everything in a business where people are paying for an opinion or advice.
A business website is essential for a life coach. The website provides an opportunity to introduce yourself to potential clients, detail your qualifications, training and credentials, and to explain what services you offer and how you can help your clients. Including a blog or e-mail list subscription form on the website can be a great way to build credibility and authority. Readers who learn to trust your advice and counsel on your blog or e-mail list may in time become paying clients.
Business cards are also important for a life coach. Professionally printed business cards help to build credibility and present an image of professionalism. Business cards also allow the life coach to pass along their contact information to a potential customer at any time or location.
Life coaches who focus on a particular specialty can target advertising and marketing efforts to the particular audience that they are trying to reach. Life coaches with a specialty in business coaching may benefit from joining the local chamber of commerce. A life coach who specializes in parent-teen relations may advertise in a local parenting publication or participate in Internet discussion forums for parents of teenagers.
Life coaches who plan to have clients come to their home for coaching sessions should have business liability insurance in case a client is injured at the coach's home. Insurance can also protect the life coach in the event that they were to be sued over some particularly bad advice or counsel given to a client. Insurance needs should be discussed with a qualified insurance agent.

7 ways you can benefit from life coaching!
 7 Ways You Can Benefit From Life Coaching

Gaining clarity about what you want and how you want to get it. Becoming clear on who you want to become, what your passion and purpose is, and what is most important to you. Most people go through life never taking the time to define themselves and their life, and thus never have a clear direction, struggle with following through and settle for mediocrity.
Improving confidence and developing an empowering self image are essential for success in the workplace, as well as, physical health and  in our intimate relationships. Know what we are worth, raising your standards and see yourself as someone who deserves the best out of life. That will empower you and fuel you towards your greatest goals.
Overcoming obstacles, fear, and insecurities will set you ahead of the pack. Most people run from their fears, you will learn to recognize them and allow them to drive you towards achievement.
Implementation. Bridge the gap between theory and practice. Taking education and motivation and turn it into the desired result!
Recognition of the possibilities for your life. Most people see life as fixed, permanent, as having no choice or no control. With a coach you can receive an outside perspective and realize that you have many options regardless of circumstance.
Creating a plan to reach your goals faster. Most people don’t have a life or goal plan; they approach life day-to-day with no clear intentions, vision or mission. All that changes with a coach.
Some one to hold you accountable. Being able to check in with a coach weekly is like having a best friend whose sole purpose is to help you succeed and hit whatever target you have set. Sometimes it is hard to find people in our lives who can honestly hold us accountable, all while cheering us on and motivating us throughout the whole process.
Starting a home-based life coach business can be a great business idea for people who like helping others, are excellent communicators, and who are passionate about helping people to improve their lives. A life coach business can be operated as a home-based business and requires little money to start other than the cost of any training or certifications that the coach pursues.


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