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WATCH : This 12 Future Technologies will blow your mind !!


1. EMIRAI 3 xDAS the newest concept car

Japanese company Mitsubishi has continued to work on Emirai – this is the name electric vehicle – and recently introduced its third version.with evolved technologies for human machine interface (HMI), driver sensing, telematics, and light control.
Electric car, created in the form factor Roadster looks as if came to us straight from the future. The Driver’s seat is framed by two large LCD-panel with flexible configuration options. The computer determines the movements of the hands, allowing you to control the infotainment system and other systems of driving without taking your eyes off the road.
Emirai 3 xDAS possess the combined 3D-display that projects the navigation and other information on the simulated distance of 10 meters in front of the driver’s face, which further facilitates the control of the vehicle.
In addition, the car is built in the camera and contactless ECG system that allows the driver to feel the state and exercise “predictive assistance based on his behavior.” Emirai even can analyze your physical condition and find a parking space, if you feel that you are too tired.and more features
Our world needs smart solution of green energy resource in the future, mainly the electricity. An eco friendly energy resource that is taken from nature will create health environment where the human live. Here is an innovative Biolamp concept from Hungarian industrial designer Peter Horvath. This Biolamp is designed in order to convert the CO2 into fuel that can generate the street lamp in entire city road. This Biolamp is a smart solution in creating eco environment in the city.
The Biolamp consists of a liquid, alga combined with water that transforms CO2 into O2­. This street lamp called Biolamp is also completed with a pump for sucking the smog.
3.Mad Catz RAT PRO S Innovative gaming mouse
The company Mad Catz is famous for its gaming device, which have stunning futuristic design, excellent functionality and quality. This is a game controller for your smartphone or tablet Mad Catz SURFr or mobile gamer keyboard Mad Catz STRIKEM Today it became known about the Mad Catz RAT PRO S – the most productive gaming mouse in the world, according to the creators.
Design device has a solid foundation and can be customized to a player’s hand, which is very convenient when creating the most favorable conditions in the game. Impressive precision 5000 dpi, an optical infrared sensor PixArt. Internal memory allows you to store three game, modes to quickly switch to the desired mode,if necessary.

It is not all the advantages of a mouse, which is to the same weight of 77 grams, which makes it quite easy sliding on the playing surface. However, this option might like not every gamer. The ratio of price and quality will please users who want to buy the device.
4.Concept Bracelet of Unlimited Hand,to simulate the feel
The Japanese company H2L, based in Tokyo, has created a device Unlimited Hand, which will allow to feel the virtual reality. This device is very similar to the sleeve Case for the iPhone, but without the iPhone. And inside this “case” is located  tactile sensor as well as a number of small, multi-channel electronic muscle stimulators.
The tactile sensor is able to detect as you move your hand, and allows it to move in a similar way in the world of virtual reality. Meanwhile,electronic muscle stimulators sent a series of precise electronic impulses passing through your muscles, allowing you to feel resistance or discomfort. According to the developers, UnlimitedHand gives the feeling of touching, grabbing or stroking of any object in the virtual world. The device allows you to feel pain, even in the games, but the pain is manifested not in the usual form, and just as numbness or tingling.
The developers point out that to enhance the feeling of immersion,bracelet need to use in tandem with virtual reality goggles. The controller can be independently reprogrammed for driving the various devices, since it is compatible with the platform Arduino.
In any case, UnlimitedHand gives almost total immersion in the virtual world, allowing you to fully feel like a hero of the game. So far,campaign is to raise funds for the commercial release.
5.Samsung Curve – a new concept smartphone
We can imagine a smartphone very unusual shape? Samsung Curve with guttate body exactly like this smartphone.
this phone runs on Windows Mobile 10. Of the features noted main camera without flash,but with very large lenses. The body itself is a combination of glass and the standard polycarbonate, although the edges look very interesting, as the choice of colors  bright purple, bright green and bright blue.
Samsung Curve  a thin version of the smartphone, so if he was with flash, it was quite possible to believe that this is an entry level smartphone with a good chance to appear on the market. Everything can be.
Former athlete has created an innovative clothing  vest and insole  which help to lose weight, even when you sleep. The secret in cooling chips in the tissue which reduces the temperature of the body, causing the body to produce more energy for warming, burning, thereby thousands of extra calories per day.
The clothing line Thin Ice is cheating metabolism, causing the body to think that it’s cold. Basically, that’s right  the man in the clothes really feel the cold, but only the first few seconds of adaptation. But a feeling compared with a jump into a cold pool  first, it seems that it is very cold, but after you do not notice.
“If you still cold, you can always adjust the temperature of the clothes Thin Ice which help smartphone to a comfortable level .
As part of the auto show 2015 Tokyo Motor Show was shown a lot of amazing new products. However, the most striking is the machine invented by engineers Yamaha.
Yamaha has decided to all hit, unveiled its new development  a humanoid robot motorcycle racer Motobot.
This electro mechanical humanoid creature, able to control the bike on the track. It can easily manipulate the controls like knobs accelerator, brake lever and shift.
Now robot piloting the special bike with extra wheels on children’s bicycles  for insurance. The maximum speed of the prototype  a little more than 100 km / h.
However, this time limit. When work on the project is completed, Motobot easily cope with any sports model. To overcome the bar at 200 km / h will not be a problem.
The creators are so confident in the device, even recorded a funny video. In the commercials, they announced plans to beat the racer Valentino Rossi, 9 times world champion.
The joke, of course. But who knows  maybe in a few years can will see a match.
Everybody knows that spending the whole day in a sitting position, bad for your health. While some of us try to take breaks to recharge, and other practitioners working standing up, the measures taken are insufficient, or they sin other disadvantages. Company Altwork offered their design solution in the form of the transformed workplace, through which you can work in any desired position  sitting, standing and even lying. The structure consists of an the ergonomic chair, a small desk and a monitor. A workplace is adjusted by means of special instruments and remote control, which allows at any time to set up in position all the components of the structure a chair, a monitor, a table. It is, however, convenience is not cheap.
9 .Unique portable washing machines
Canadian start-up company has invented a miniature portable machine for laundry. For operation a device requires no electricity, since it is driven by muscular force the user through a foot pedal. New eco-friendly washing gadget the size of a conventional bucket, fits easily in the trunk of the car and makes it possible to wash things in the road, at a picnic in the country – even everywhere. Process washing lasts only 5 minutes, and the maximum weight per load is 1 kg . The manufacturer of this compact device YIREGO noted,that exploitation Drumi, like normal machine, will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce water consumption by 5 times compared to conventional machines. In the sale of a miracle washing machine will go in the summer of 2015. 
What will passenger airplanes be like in the future? To help brain storm desirable and workable attributes, NASA sponsors design competitions. Shown here is an artist’s depiction of a concept plane that has been recently suggested.
This futuristic plane would be expected to achieve supersonic speeds, possibly surpassing the speeds of the supersonic transport planes that ran commercially in the late twentieth century. In terms of noise reduction, the future aircraft has been drawn featuring an inverted V wing stretched over its engines. The structure is intended to reduce the sound from annoying sonic booms. Additionally, future airplanes would aim to have relatively little impact on our environment, including green limits on pollution and fuel consumption. Aircraft utilizing similar design concepts might well become operational by the 2030s.
11. The Portable Printer
It was about time that someone came up with this, I mean we are in the portable era Stick POP is a portable printer that can handle a small amount of load. You can’t overburden it with all your documents, just a small stash that you need pronto. Measuring 23 cm by 6 cm, it’s easy to fit it in your handbag. Just hook it up to your comp /device via USB and get printing  and an OLED screen on the bar displays the printing status.
12. Inflatable lift the space elevator,
Canadian scientists have decided to implement the project of so-called space elevator. Authors of idea promise,that the concept make space travel much greener and on third cheaper. The recently submitted concept of Thoth less ambitious, but uses the technology that we already have (at least to build the necessary structure). It is based on the use of modular pipes from Kevlar-polyethylene composites filled with helium. These tubes are lighter and softer than modern construction materials,and helium will help keep the structure upright.
Canadian aerospace company Thoth Technology has patented the right to form the first inflatable space elevator in the history of mankind.

Flying in space has been and remains to mankind one of the most promising areas of science and technology. However, modern techniques  launching rocket shuttle, is not extremely effective. The concept of space elevator  a giant structure,which leads with Earth right on orbit,remains fantasy. However, many scientists and engineers are confident that the implementation of such a project, and the continued use of an elevator to space flight  possible. Height Thoth will be 20 km. It may not seem like a great distance, but it will significantly reduce the cost of delivering payloads into orbit. At the top of the structure will be located two wells cosmodrome for the launch of missiles, as well as a two lane for the shuttle. Built design will on 50 km above any spaceport on Earth and will save up to 30% rocket Fuel.


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