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Do these to become a millionaire!!

If you want to become a millionaire, you’re going to have to change the way you operate. This stuff doesn’t just happen overnight. Making the decision to become rich is a start, but if that’s all you do you’re not going to go very far. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that you can’t put a dollar value on good routines, especially your morning routine. What you do in the first few hours of the day sets the tone for how the rest of your day is going to go down. I’ve decided to list a few of my own key morning habits here so you can get some ideas of how my millionaire students in my millionaire challenge start their days off.

1. Wake Up Before Everyone Else

This is pretty self-explanatory — if you want to be successful, the first step is getting up early. There are only so many hours in a day, and if you want to get a lot done then you’re going to have to put in the hours. Ever heard of the “golden hour”? In terms of productivity, it means the first hour of your day that you can spend distraction-free. You don’t necessarily have to start working right away (in fact you shouldn’t), but this hour can be very useful for meditating, planning out your day, and getting ready for whatever will be thrown at you.

2. Work Out and Get Your Blood Pumping

Of course, waking up early doesn’t do you much good if you’re half-asleep. The quickest way to inject some energy into your morning is to work out. You don’t have to run a half-marathon (and again, you shouldn’t exhaust yourself that quickly), but going for a quick jog or a short lifting session can do you some good. Staying healthy is key for having a productive life, and there’s no better time to fit it in than in the morning before the day gets going.

3. Eat a Nutritious Protein-filled Breakfast

After that workout, you’re going to be hungry. Food is another key part of your morning, but wait — you can’t eat just anything. You’re going to want to have some protein to fuel your mind and body — eggs, smoked fish, oatmeal, etc. Stay away from foods that are overly sugary like waffles, pancakes, or sugary cereals. These foods will probably make you feel good at first because of the sugar high, but you will crash and burn later.

4. Read Headlines So You Are Informed

It’s important to stay informed about the world around you, so take some time during or after breakfast to catch up on the latest breaking news. Can you imagine speaking with someone in a prominent position who didn’t know a major piece of news that’s been making headlines? I know I can’t. Any self-respecting person who wants to be successful needs to be aware of current events in the world.

5. Write Down Your Goals and Work on Them

Goal setting is an incredibly crucial part of starting your day. This will be what guides your actions over the next 16 hours or so of your life, so you should take some time to hammer them out. After you’ve written them down, don’t just file them away and forget about them. You should be constantly working on accomplishing them throughout your day. If you don’t hit all of them that’s completely fine, but the point is you need to try as best you can to hit those goals. This is going to give you direction, which is what all successful people have in spades.

6. Think in Long-Term Growth, Not Just Short-Term

When you’re setting your goals and planning your day, don’t just think about what’s going on in the short-term. Most of life’s greatest rewards can take years — decades even — before they come to fruition. Nowadays it seems like every other week there’s a big tech company striking gold, and another young CEO becoming a millionaire. Don’t be fooled by the narrative the media creates — this person didn’t just wake up one morning and decide they wanted to become a millionaire, and get everything they have overnight. Chances are that person worked tirelessly day and night for years on end before seeing those financial rewards. What are your long-term goals? Make sure you’re keeping them in mind.

7. Lastly... Remember Every Day Brings New Opportunities

Every day is a new opportunity. Perhaps today will not be your best day. That’s fine, that’s just how life works. But remember that every day will bring a new set of challenges and opportunities. It’s imperative that you keep an open mind and are receptive to new ideas. The world is always changing, and you have to be willing to think about things from multiple points of view. Are you ready for what today brings? What about tomorrow, or the day after that? Make sure you go into each day with a positive attitude.

And those are seven components of the morning routine that the students in my millionaire challenge and I follow. You don’t have to copy these things exactly, but they are all important and are key in setting the tone for the rest of your day. Life can be unpredictable, and your day can get knocked off-course very quickly. If you have a strong morning routine, you’ll be prepared for whatever the day (and life) throws at you.


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