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35 Safety Related Question Answers:

Question 1. What Is Safety ?
Answer :
  • It is a condition which gives you freedom from hazard, risk, accident which may cause injury, damage and loss to material or property damage and even death.
  • Safety is defined as freedom from those condition that can cause injury to persons including death or damage to property or environment.
Question 2. What Is Accident ?
Answer :
It is an unexpected or unplanned event which may or may not result in injury or damage or property loss or death.
Question 3. What Is Injury ?
Answer :
It is defined as a harmful condition sustained by the body as a result of an accident.
Question 4. What Is Hazard ?
Answer :
Inherent property of a substance or an occurrence which has potential to cause loss or damage property, person or environment.
Question 5. What Is Risk ?
Answer :
In probability of the realization of potential for loss or damage or injury.
Question 6. What Is Incident?
Answer :
It is an event which represents deviation from the intended sequence of designed steps.
Question 7. What Is Safety Policy?
Answer :
Any company has a social and legal obligation to provide a safe and health working environment to all his improvement to all his employees.
Question 8. What Is Safety Audit?
Answer :
The safety audit is the process that identifies unsafe conditions and unsafe acts the plant and recommended safety improvement.Walk through It evaluates the unsafe condition notice able to naked eye during work through the plant. ( Stores, civil work, erection work) Inter mediate-more details study and review of plant design and plant operation. Comprehensive –It evaluates the safety factors in the plant on the base engineering, analysis, testing, measurement.
Question 9. What Is Safety Tag?
Answer :
Safety tag can be defined a surface made of card board or paper board on which English local languages letters written for warning safety instructions to employees.
Question 10. What Is Safety Programme?
Answer :
Safety programme can be defined as five methods by which accident can be prevent easily they are engineering, education, enforcement, enthusiasm and example safety programmes are plain spoken and carry out certain legal steps.
Question 11. What Is Attitude?
Answer :
Attitude may be described as continuous behavior . if man’s behavior is good, then his action will be either correct or safe.
Question 12. What Is Emergency Planning?
Answer :
Emergency planning can defined as a control measurer. It can control the accidents safe guard people and provide information to media.
Question 13. What Is Work Permit System?
Answer :
Work permit system is a “ written documents” for permission to undertake a job by area in charge or it is written document issued by the area in charge to the performer to under take the specific job.
Question 14. What Is Work At Height?
Answer :
Any work above 2 meters from ground is caused work at height.
Question 15. What Is Confined Space?
Answer :
An area which is small and enclosed or an area where one entry and exits or where a man cannot work comfortable in any location is caused confined space.
Question 16. What Is Excavation?
Answer :
Marking a hole or tunnel by digging the ground by man or machine is called excavation.
Question 17. What Is Scaffolding?
Answer :
It is a temporary platform constructed for supporting both men and materials and working safety at a construction site.

Question 18. What Is Welding?
Answer :
The process of joining of metals either by electrical or by gas is called welding.

Question 19. What Is Gas Cutting ?
Answer :
The process of joining of cutting metals by using oxygen and combustible gas is called gas cutting.
Question 20. What Is Sand Blasting?
Answer :
The process of removing rust dust, dirt, scales and old prints from the old surface using compressed air is called sand blasting.
Question 21. What Is Painting?
Answer :
The process after sand blasting is called painting .
Question 22. What Is Lel?
Answer :
The minimum concentration of vapour, gasses and dust in air below which propagation of flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition is called LEL.
Question 23. What Is Uel?
Answer :
The maximum proportion of vapour, gasses and dust in air above which proposal the flame does not occur on contact with a source of ignition is called UEL.
Question 24. What Is Manual Handing?
Answer :
The process of lifting, carrying and stacking materials by men is called manual handing.
Question 25. What Is House Keeping?
Answer :
House keeping means not only cleanness but also orderly arrangement of operations, tools, equipments storage facilities and suppliers.
Question 26. What Is Personal Protective Equipment?
Answer :
It is an equipments used to project the person from hazards such dust, dirt, fumes and sparks etc. It is the barrier between hazard and person.
Question 27. What Is Grinding?
Answer :
Grinder is a portable machine with a wheel guard in position to reduced the danger.
Question 28. What Is Crane?
Answer :
A tall machine used for moving heavy objects by suspending them from a projecting arm with hook.
Question 29. What Are The Duties Of A Safety Officer?
Answer :
  • Prepare tool box talk
  • Prepare monthly statistics
  • Prepare the checklist
  • Accident reports
  • Management meetings
  • Arrange the safety classes/training
  • Arrange monthly safety bulletin
  • Inspection of fire extinguisher
  • Arrange first aid training classes
  • Arrange safety competitions like quiz, slogan, poster competitions exhibition etc.
Question 30. What Are The Duties Of A Supervisor?
Answer :
  • He has to instruct this workers about the work methods and procedures.
  • He has to maintain discipline among the workers
  • He has to supply necessary materials
  • He has to control quality and cost of the job
  • He has to guide has workers in doing a job in the correct and safe way
  • He has to supply suitable personal protective equipment to his workers
  • He should conduct periodical safety meetings.
  • He should conduct safety inspection of his working area
  • He should know about the fire fight equipments
  • He should know investigate the accident and find out the cause of accident
Question 31. What Are The Precautions For Welding?
Answer :
  • Remove all combustion material from the place of welding
  • Clear the work area and cover wooden floor with fire proof mats. ( Welding mechanic should be kept with in the visibility of the welders.
  • Erect fire resistance screen around the work
  • All welding cables should be fully insulted
  • All welding mics shall be double earthed
  • Welding area should be dry and free from water
  • Keep the fire extinguisher / sand really
Question 32. What Is The Precaution For Gas Cutting?
Answer :
  • Keep fire extinguisher nearby
  • Keep fire watch near by
  • Remove all combustible from work area
  • Use all necessary PPE
  • Never put welding gas cylinder in side a confined space
  • Hoses shall not be laid in path ways
  • Gas cutting torch should have flash back arrestors
  • Gas test to be done to check for presence of flammable gas in site.
  • Good house keeping and ventilation necessary in working area.
  • Hose connections should be made properly
Question 33. What Are The Hazards In Welding?
Answer :
  • Eye injury
  • Burn injury Arc realization
  • Electrical shock Light arc radiation
  • Heat, light and radiation effect Heat fume
  • Poisonous gases Chipped price of weld metal
  • Fire
  • Explosion Scattering
  • Noise Sparking
  • Sparking
  • Flying sand
Question 34. What Precautions Are Need To Avoid Accident In Manhandling?
Answer :
  • Stand at safe distance from the load
  • Sharp edge and burns are removed before lifting a material.
  • PPE such as safety gloves and safety shoes are to be used.
  • If the weight is too heavy for one person to lift, then he has to seek the assistance.
  • The pathway is not blocked by obstacles while carrying the load.
  • The different actions, movements and forces necessary while carrying the load.
  • Modify the task by using hooks and crow bars.
  • Mechanical equipments like cranes shall be used.
  • Modify the objects
  • Change the way things are used.
Question 35. General Safety Precautions In Construction?
Answer :
  • Adequate first aid equipment should be kept ready
  • Adequate fire fighting equipment should be available
  • All general electrical rules should be followed
  • suitable lighting arrangements should be necessary at night work
  • Work men at height should be wear safety belts
  • Work men handling cement should be provided with goggles, rubber gloves and rubber boots by nose mask.
  • The moving parts of grinding machines used construction site should be covered with guards
  • The moving parts of grinding machines used construction site should be covered with guards
  • Excavated material should not kept near the excavated
  • Very short duration of work red flags must be hoisted and more duration red banners must be stretched
  • Defective tools should not be used
  • The worker should not carry tools in his hands when climbing a ladder
  • Excavation should be guarded by suitable fencing


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