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Living in a technological world: some negative and positive effects you should know

Technology is taking over our world, we live in an age where most, if not all of us use technological devices all day, everyday. From mobile phones, to iPads, to laptops and TVs, we’re constantly using technology. There are even forms of technology that we use during our sleep, fitness watches that track our sleep and the likes.
But what are the effects of living in a technological world? There’s no denying that we love each and every new technological advance, but here are some positive and negative effects of using technology every day that you should know.

Positive Effects

Learning has never been easier
Education used to be something that only the elite few had access to, but with the internet holding all the knowledge you could possibly need, and internet access on a whole range of devices, learning has never been easier.
There are thousands of websites and applications solely dedicated to sharing information with people, and teaching youngsters new things. With so many technological resources, there’s no excuse for lack of knowledge anymore. So long as you have access to a technological device, you’ve got access to all the information you could ever need.
As for accessing a device, this doesn’t even have to be costly anymore. Devices have become so well used, that you can buy devices such as kindles, iPads and even laptops for next to nothing. Technology is the most advanced it’s ever been, and if you know where to look, it’s also the cheapest it’s ever been. Plus, if money is the issue, most libraries and educational institutions have their own devices that you can use for free.

We can talk to anyone, anywhere, any time
Easy communication is perhaps the best advantage of living in a technological world. Long distance friendships, relationships and work collaborations can all thrive with 24-hour access to instant messaging sites and applications.
We can send messages, have phone calls and even video chats with anyone we like, no matter where they are in the world, and without having to worry about racking up a huge phone bill thanks to Wi-Fi being global.

Negative Effects

Some of us become too dependent on technology
Technology is so incredibly easy to use, that we can find ourselves becoming dependent on it for even the smallest tasks.
If we have questions or problems that need solving, we might find that rather than trying to find answers for ourselves, and learning in the process of doing so, we simply rely on Google to tell us what we’re looking for. Basically, it’s easy to be lazy.
Many might find that their social lives are social media bound. We spend so much time on social media sites, socializing and communicating that way that it’s easy to lose touch with real life socializing skills. Talking and making friends from behind a screen is much easier than feigning confidence in face to face situations. Sometimes those that have the biggest online presence struggle in person, without the help of a technological wall. This can even lead to further problems, like isolation.
There are also extreme forms of internet dependence that can occur. We all enjoy a scroll through Facebook or a flick through some trashy article, but those that become dependent on the internet might mindlessly scroll for hours, and struggle to be away from some technological device or another for any period of time.

Technology interferes with our sleep
Looking at your phone or watching TV before bed can make it much more difficult to get a good night’s sleep. When we look at screens, the blue light they produce simulates sunlight, and so our minds produce serotonin, the hormone that wakes us up. So whilst a quick browse online or through a social media site might seem harmless, it might actually cost you more hours in sleep than its worth.
Aside from the scientific reason behind technology interfering with sleep, there’s also the fact that it’s easy to lose track of time when browsing. One minute turns into ten, and before you know it you’ve spent an hour or so fiddling with your technological device. When this happens before bed, it can interrupt your sleep pattern and cause you to feel unrested throughout the day.

It becomes difficult to screen content
Most technological devices have access to the internet, and so it can be difficult to monitor and screen appropriate content for young people using them. There are always parental controls, but there will always be content that slips through the net, and so nowadays we see young people much more exposed to inappropriate images, websites and content. There’s also the fact that most young people are now more technologically savvy than older generations, so if they want to find something online, the restrictions aren’t particularly difficult to get around.
There are also issues surrounding false news. With more and more applications and websites reporting on supposed news, and even some joke news stories going around, it can be difficult to know what to believe. This can cause arguments when it comes to discussions about current affairs, and embarrassment to those who were tricked into believing false stories. Perhaps worst of all though, young people often use news stories as evidence for projects and exams, and false information could sabotage their grades.
To sum up…
There are of course downsides to this new technological age, but when we consider the advantages and developments that technology has brought about, there’s no question that we wouldn’t be without it.
Technology has helped us progress so much in terms of education, communication, and even international relations, as people from all over the world can now work together easily and effectively.
The negative effects of this new technological world can be avoided if we simply look out for them, and make sure we use technology in a safe and sensible way.


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