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The International Space Station module has small cracks, according to a report.

The International Space Station module has small cracks, according to a report.
On Dec. 6, 1998, the STS-88 space shuttle crew captured the Russian-built Zarya module, which launched on Nov. 20 of that year, and mated it with the Unity node. (Image credit: NASA)

It's unclear whether the cracks are allowing air to escape the orbiting laboratory.

According to a fresh report, small cracks have been discovered in the Zarya module of the International Space Station.

"Superficial fractures have been identified in several spots on the Zarya module," Vladimir Solovyov, head engineer of Moscow-based Energia, Russia's main contractor for human spaceflight, told Russia's state-owned RIA news agency, Reuters reported today (Aug. 30). "This is awful news, and it means that the cracks will widen over time."

According to Reuters, Solovyov did not disclose whether the cracks detected by Russian cosmonauts have caused any air to seep from Zarya (Russian for "Dawn").

Zarya, commonly known as the FCB (short for "Functional Cargo Block"), is a section of the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS). With its launch in November 1998, it was the first section of the station to reach orbit.

This isn't the first time cracks have been discovered on the International Space Station, which has been occupied by rotating astronaut crews since November 2000. Fissures in the Russian Zvezda module, for example, caused a tiny air leak on the orbiting lab in September 2019. The Zvezda breaches were patched by cosmonauts in October 2020 and March this year, but the problem has remained; Russia reported another pressure decrease in the module, which was sent into Earth orbit in July 2000, last month.

(An air leak was discovered by ISS controllers in August 2018, however it was quickly confirmed that it was caused by a drill hole in an attached Russian Soyuz spacecraft.) It's unclear how that hole got there in the first place. The majority of specialists believe it was caused by human mistake on the ground, but a Russian space official recently attempted to accuse NASA astronaut Serena Auón-Chancellor. According to NASA officials, this claim is without merit.)

In July 2021, Russia's long-awaited Nauka scientific module arrived at the International Space Station. That meeting did not go as planned; immediately after docking, Nauka's thrusters fired wildly, causing the entire station to rotate about 540 degrees. The issue was eventually brought under control, and the orbiting lab was returned to its regular orientation.


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